Chapter 1

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"Damn, how much homework do they expect us to do in one night?" Kolby groans as he takes his mathbook out of his locker. He puts it in his backpack, and slings the backpack over his shoulder. He looks at his girlfriend, Angelique, who's playing on her handheld game device. She's playing with a lock of her curly brown hair. "Babe?" he asks.

Angelique looks up. "Oh. Um, yeah, I agree. They need to let us have fun."

Kolby waggles his eyebrows. "What kind of fun?" he asks in a suggestive tone.

His girlfriend rolls her eyes. "Not like that." She pauses. "OK, maybe a little bit of that." Kolby snorts. "But hey, at least school's over for the day, and we have the weekend."

"Yay." Kolby leans over to kiss her. "I love you, angel," he says softly.

She smiles. "I love you too, Teddy." Her phone rings, and she excuses herself to answer it. As she walks away, Kolby thinks about the shitload of the homework. He'll never be able to finish it by the time the weekend's over.

He slowly shuts his locker, and walks out of the school building. "Hey, bloodsucker!" a guy calls out. "I found some blood for you to drink!"

Kolby ignores him and keeps walking. He just wants to be home and playing Skyrim. He exhales, and sees his breath. Kolby puts his hands in his pockets and feels the heaviness on his back.

It takes him minutes to get home. He walks in the front door. "I'm home!" he calls out. There's no answer; his mom is probably late at work again. He sighs, and goes up to his room.

Kolby puts his backpack down and gets his XBox out. He sets it up, and he goes back to his kitchen for snacks. "Doritos!" he bellows when he sees some on top of the fridge. He grabs them and gets a 2 liter Mountain Dew. Going back to his room, Kolby grins at the idea of the endless hours of fun in his very near future.

He feels his phone buzzing in his pocket. Thinking it's from his girlfriend, Kolby excitedly gets it out and looks through it. It's a text, reading:

Hey, buddy. It's Mark.

Kolby freezes. He only knows one person with the name. And it's his father.

The one who left him and his mother when he was born.

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