Chapter 14

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When Kolby got back to his house, he just walked off. Raven knew he needed some time alone so she left him alone. A couple months later they broke up, and Kolbys life fell apart. Kolby had no one there to support him anymore. He just needed one friend that could be there and know what he is going through. Kolby decided to start going to parks even more often then he used to. That's when Kolby started on getting healthier. One day when Kolby was running, someone popped up behind him. He noticed them, but did not notice the gun they were carrying. "Don't move. Give me all of your money and valuables and I won't have to hurt you." Kolby thought about this for a second. "Alright. Here." He complied and then noticed another person sneaking up behind them and going to try and get the jump on them. "Hey, I was just wondering, why you were doing this? I mean I barely have anything anymore, ever since everyone in my life left." Then the man was jumped and Kolby grabbed his stuff and ran.

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