Chapter 16

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A couple of months later Kolby decided to carry on with his life. He worked out everyday. After a while he signed up for the Marines. Kolb was sent into battle, as the first line. "Watch the corners" Kolby says to his squad. "LEFT SIDE!!" Someone yells. Kolby and his squad start to shoot in the left area after they notice the enemies on the side. "I'M HIT!!" yells one of Kolbys squad men. "Don't give up on me, stay with me!!" Kolby starts to yell after dragging him to safety. "Sir, there is no time. We have to move" "carry...on...the...mission..." says the man with his last dying breath. "We move and we don't stop fighting until we all die or they all die! Are you with me?" "Sir yes sir!" "Then let's move out men!" Kolby yells as they start shooting and moving towards the enemies. As Kolby looked around he saw his squad mates dying. Then Kolby gets shot, right in the center of his head, and he falls over dead.

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