Chapter 2

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As soon as he gets over his shock, Kolby looks at his phone again. The longer he sees the words, the worst they blur together. "H-how the hell did he get my number?" Kolby asks himself, growing more and more pissed. "After years of no contact?!" He lets out a yell and throws his phone at the wall. It makes a thunk! before hitting the floor, the cracked screen showing. He notices it, but makes no comment; he's too angry about it.

He goes over to his bed, sitting at the edge of it. He puts his head in his hands, and takes a deep breath. "Why did he try to talk to me?" he asks himself. "What does he want?" He remains there, not moving a muscle. 

Soon, the doorbell rings. Kolby groans and stands up to get it. Angelique stands in the middle of the porch, holding a couple of books in her arms and her teeth are clashing from the cold. "H-h-hi, K-k-k-kolby," she stutters. "C-c-c-can I c-c-come in?"

"Yeah. It's warm inside," Kolby replies, letting her in. After he closes the door, Kolby takes the books from her and hugs her tightly. "Wow, you're freezing," he notes.

"What, me shivering wasn't evident enough?" Angelique steps away from him. She gives him a crooked smile. "You remember why I'm here, right?"

"Uh." Kolby thinks for a moment. "Actually, no. I was hoping this is a surprise date or something."

"No," Angelique says, shaking her head. "Study session. We went over this last night."

"Oh. Oh, yeah." Kolby leads her upstairs, forgetting about the game and snacks. "Which subjects are we covering?" he asks.

"Hopefully, all of them." Angelique notices what he has set up. Laughing, she adds, "I'm guessing you completely forgot about the session."

"Yep." Kolby blushes slightly in embarrassment. "I challenge you to a game of Call of Duty."

His girlfriend ponders over it. "Sure," she says. "But after the homework is done."


Two hours later, Kolby and Angelique are playing the game. In the beginning, Kolby was winning, and he made sure his girlfriend knew. But now that the text is taunting him, he's distracted from the game, letting Angelique kill him over and over . . . and over.

"Are you okay?" she asks, after beating him for the seventh time. "You look like there's something you want to say."

Kolby looks up at her. He's not ready to tell her, but he has to say something. "I was distracted by your beauty," he replies, looking smug.

Angelique doesn't look convinced, however. "If you were, we'd be making out by now."

"True." Kolby thinks. He then shrugs. "I'm just busy in my head." Without letting Angelique respond, he pushes play, and the game starts up again. "Now that I'm a little less distracted than I was before, I'm going to kill you!" he declares.

She laughs. "Not until I kill you!"

"Oh, you're on!"

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