Chapter 5

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Kolby walks to his window, tears still in his eyes, and he tells himself "you can do this. If he tries anything stupid you knock him out and leave" and then Kolby's mom got home. He told his mom "I'm ready to go and see him" and his mother was suprised that he said that. They got in the car and headed off.

As they arrived, Kolby looked for anyone standing outside the McDonalds. To his suprise he found a six foot tall man waiting by the door. Kolby gets out of his mom's car and heads towards the man. Kolby notices that the man is wearing a hat to hide his identity, a red jacket, and jeans. He approaches the man and is greeted by a man's voice. "Kolby? Is that you? It's been so long. I forgot what you looked like" said the man.

As Kolby and his dad entered the mcdonalds, his father said "anything you want. Dinner is on me". Kolby thinks for a second and then orders. "All I want is big Mac meal" Kolby says. Then his dad orders and they find a spot to sit down. They start talking about what happened when Kolby was born. "See buddy, I had to go and leave the country on my military contract. I was still signed on when you were born. I was sent to Afghanistan and put in a marine camp. So I had to leave your mother and you" says his dad. "Why leave then? Why not say it was not a good time? I have all of these questions that where left unanswered for 16 years" Kolby says. "I'm sorry Kolby" Says his father. Then suddenly Kolby hits the table "Shut up with your sorry! I don't care for your sorry excuses! I know you where not a marine! You would have died there! You can't lie to me" Kolby yells and his dad gets up.

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