Chapter 10

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A little after he got home and he stopped crying he noticed that he had missed a call from his friend flavio. he calls him back. "Hello?" "Hey" "kolby. Are you okay." "Yeah." "Okay. You should come outside. I am almost to your house." "Okay." "See you soon." He hangs up. Kolby changes his clothes. He walks out of his front door only to find a bully. "Go away. I don't need you to bother me right now." "Its not that easy. I'm here to fight." He throws a punch and kolby counters it with three other punches. At first it looked as if he was winning but then he was pinned on the ground and was losing. "Kolby!" Yells flavio as he comes running down the street. He pushes the bully of of kolby. Kolby stands up and notices he was just saved. "Thanks" he says as he throws another punch at the bully. He knocks him out and walks away.

"How have you been flavo? Thanks for the save back there. Glad you came when you did." "I am to. I have been good. yesenia told me about earlier. I'm sorry." "Its alright" they are silent for a while as they walk down the street.

Lost, and Eventually FoundTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang