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I heard the car leave the drive and go off down the road. I picked up my book and started to read. I had no internet so I couldn't go on my phone so reading was the only thing to do.

He sat down at a table in the corner so he couldn't be seen. He always sat here, in the shadows, alone. It was easier for him to watch people without them realising. He loved watching people talk, laugh, play games. He preferred to watch than to do.

He took out his map and traced his finger along the dotted line, which stopped in England, Kent to be more precise. It had been too long since he had come home, and enjoy the familiarity of it all. He recognised quite a few people, most of the regulars of when he came here often were there, but although they hadn't changed, he had.

I put the book down when I heard the phone ring. I ran out into the hall where is sat.


"Casey, honey it's Dad, could you give the phone to mommy so I know what to get?"

"Okay sure." I said. "MOM? IT'S DAD."

I heard my mom pick up the phone and start talking. I decided I should probably get in the shower, due to the fact I still had egg and beans in my hair.

I raced upstairs and turned the shower on. I stripped my pyjamas off and put them in the laundry basket and hopped in. Bits of food instantly ran off my body and into the shower bed.

I washed my hair then got out, drying myself and ran downstairs. Mom rushed straight into the shower when she saw me. She clearly was sick of her filthy hair.

I sat down on the couch, bored not really knowing what to do. I didn't feel like reading, or sleeping, or anything. I just felt, there.

The phone rang and I left it, letting it go to voicemail. It was a boring message about getting insurance. I tuned out and just sat there bored out of my mind.

I looked at the clock. It was now 11 and my dad had been gone an hour. He should be back soon.

12 still he didn't come. My mom didn't seem bothered. She thought he had gone to a bigger store.

1pm. He didn't return. We both were worried but didn't say anything to each other. I sat on the couch biting my nails.

2pm. My mom started pacing.

5pm. She was crying on the phone. It went straight to voicemail every time.

9pm. That's when we got the call.

Authors Notes
Sorry it's late but I got distracted. So there it is. The first part of Hook's secret.
The first part is coming out 5th September so watch out for it.

Queen of Broken Heartsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें