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My feet tapped the floor uncontrollably. By heart was in my stomach, and my stomach was in my throat. Too much was happening at once and my head ached. Neither of us really knew what was going on. We were just stuck in a hospital being told my dad would be 'okay' or 'fine very soon' but how long was soon.

I had fallen asleep a couple of times but I was awake when my mom was pulled away to talk.

I sat and waited, and five minutes later she came back with puffy eyes and wet cheeks. She'd been crying.

"Casey honey. You know about heaven don't you?" The nurse said.

"Yeah I do..." I replied.

"Well that's where your daddy's going."

I gulped. I couldn't lose my dad. He was my rock. I told him my secrets, everything, and now he was going to go? My headache got stronger and I felt like I was going to be sick.

"No..." I whispered.

My mom took my hand and lead me down the corridors, the smell of the chemicals making my headache even worse. Finally we got to a room at the end of the corridor.

"Dads asleep okay?" Mom said. I nodded.

"He can hear you though." I nodded again. I didn't want to say anything, if I did I thought I was going to to be sick.

We walked in and I instantly felt my eyes well up. Tubes were stuck to different parts of his body. His neck was in a brace and he had cuts and scars all over his face and hands.

"Daddy? It's Casey." I whispered. I was to afraid to speak normally incase someone else could hear.

"The nurse says that you can hear me, so you have to listen. I don't, sorry, I can't lose you. Yeah moms amazing but your my best friend dad. If you die, my heart dies.

You know the time I told you I liked that boy? It turns out he likes Lou-Lou. You know, the girl with the stupid voice? Daddy, please don't go. I love you so much."

I stopped talking and let the tears roll down my cheeks. I cried silently holding on to his limp hand. I tried to listen to my mom talk to him but soon all I could hear was the slow beep of the heart machine, then slowly, I heard it stop.

"Bye daddy. I love you." I whispered. I took the nurses hand and walked out the room.

Paul Stevens died after a car swerved into him as he was driving home from the store. He died peaceful in his sleep.

That's when I first learnt life isn't fair.

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