Let the truth be told

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"Liam told me."

"He what?!" My heart starts to race and I can feel my stomach in my throat.

"He told me you like me."

I get up and turn around. I can't put up with this. I feel something tug me wrist and turn round, and see Elliot gaping at my wrist. I look down and see the scars.


"Elliot I need to go..."

"Casey, what are they."

Run. Just go.


I just look at him panicking.

"Case you can tell me, you know that." He says, sympathy laced in his voice.

"I can't." I snap and snatch my hard back. I can hear him talking to me but it's just white noise.

"I started after my first boyfriend dumped me." I start.

"I was 13. I had no dad, and just felt useless. All the pain was lingering in the air and I had to get it all out. They started as burns."

I show him the faint marks on my shoulder. They are almost gone but still remain. Just a bit.

"I say their birthmarks. They aren't too hard to do. You scratch the skin until it's raw then rub it hard. The skin peels away and burns. But that wasn't enough. So I started taking the knives out the kitchen. The ones on my wrists aren't too bad. The ones on my ribs and waist are worse..." I drone out as I see Elliot's face getting paler and paler.

"Sorry." I whisper and look down.

Elliot puts his hand to my cheek and I look up. My cheeks are wet so I must be crying but didn't notice before.

"It's okay." Elliot replies and gently presses his lips to mine.

I flinch at first, then lean in and kiss back. My lips move in sync to his and I feel alive.

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