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Drip... Drip... Drip... Drip...

I watch the water drip from the faucet, slowly, as it comes to a holt. Downstairs I hear the clock chime 8 o'clock. The kettle is boiling, someone calls the landline. I take a step back, the floor creeks, my headache increases and I look in the mirror. A long cut creeps along my hairline, which my fringe covers. My right eye is bruised and I have a split lip. Any beauty I may have had before is now hidden by the mask on my face, a mask of scars and hurt.

I leave the bathroom and walk downstairs. My mom is on the phone making coffee. She hands me mine and I give her a weak smile.

She mouths for me to have a good day at school, only to get another weak smile and I head out the door to the van.

As I shut the door a friendly voice calls out my name and I turn round.

"Want a lift?" Elliot calls. I nod gratefully and pop the keys through the letter box. I open the right hand door and plop down.

A steering wheel?

"Wrong side." He jokes and I get out, blushing.

"Sorry." I say and walk round to the other side. I sit down and sigh. It's cold in the car as well as outside.

Damn you November!

The car ride is quiet; Too quiet. We both know why but we are not going to bring it up. Elliot turns on the radio and starts humming half heartedly and I look out the window.

Déjà vu much!

We pull up in the parking lot and Elliot starts to speak.

"Maybe if you went back there you'd figure out-"

"I am not going to go back in there." I growl. I get out the car and slam the door right in Elliot's gorgeous face and storm off.

As I walk into school I see people staring. I just look down and hate myself.

I get to the end of the science corridor and try to compose myself before I walk into form when someone calls out my name. I recognise their voice immediately. I turn around, already smelling the testosterone from the opposite end of the corridor. One glance of their face and everything falls into place and my heart drops like a stone.

Queen of Broken HeartsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat