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I wake up with the sun blaring in through my window.

Curtains. Get curtains. Now!

I rub my eyes and remember my dream from last night. Me cheeks feel stiff and as I put my hand to them they're sticky and slightly wet.

Tears. I'd been crying in my sleep. I get up and walk to the bathroom, stubbing my toe in the process.


I rinse my face with water then look at myself. Usually I'm not too bothered about my appearance. Sure I put on a bit of makeup but never much. For some reason though all I can think about is what I look like.

I stand I front of the mirror for fifteen minutes fixing my hair and brushing my teeth, before putting on mascara and lipgloss.

There now I'm decent.

I walk back to my room where I get dressed, standing well away from the window, then run downstairs, grab the keys and hop into the car. My bag is still in the spot where I left it after visiting Carol yesterday but a little post-it-note was stuck to it.

Why can't my mom be normal and actually lock the car at night. Ever heard of burglars?!

I pick the note up and read it.

We need to talk. We have Spanish today and the teacher still isn't back so we'll go on the chat site.


I sigh and bunch the note into a ball before chucking it into the foot well of the passenger seat.

No fucking thanks mate! I'd rather suck Mr Ash off!

The thought of that sends a shiver down my spine and I set off for school.


A message pops up on my screen and I sigh; Elliot. I cancel the notification and get back to monitoring the screens and reading messages per usual.

Nosy? Hell yeah! Bored? Once again, hell yeah!

I play with a part of my hair and start to daydream when another message pops up. This time I open it and grimace as I start to read.

Elliot😏: hi listen I'm sorry bout what happened I didn't mean to scare you. I defiantly didn't want you to go. I liked it. The kiss that is.

Ugh this hormonal twat doesn't get it does he?!

Case🌺: I'm not talking to you. I'm working so please go away!

I turn off my monitor and start copying out from a text book.

1)I don't want that jumper -- I want that cardigan
No quiero que el puente -- Quiero que cardigan

Someone coughs and I look up. It's Lee.

What does he want. Ahhhh

"What?" I growl.

"Give Elliot a chance okay?" He says. Before I can say anything the bell goes and Lee's walking away.

Saved by the bell. Thank fuck.


"Maybe you should talk to him." Liam says.

I glare and sit down next to Ella. Claire sits opposite me and I sigh when she nods in agreement with Liam. "I'm not talking to him. Okay?" I say and take a sip of my water.

"Casey, he's the hottest boy in our year, maybe even the school, and he likes you! You do know he isn't like most boys either." Claire says.

"What'd you mean?" I ask, honestly curious.

"He's never gone out with anyone. He's a flirt, and has defiantly snogged quite a few people, but never slept with anyone, dated anyone, anything. The fact he's trying so hard means he really likes you." Ella says.

I blush and look down at my pasta salad.

"You like him, don't you?" Liam asks, making me blush more.

"Oh gosh you do!" Claire exclaims and starts jumping up and down in her seat.

"Shut up!" I hiss, trying to suppress a laugh. "Anyway, Ella, what's the deal with you and Lee?" I tease.

"How did you know?"

"I got the school wifi on my first day, I've seen what you've been sending each other." I say and nudge her.

"We've been dating since the school dance last year."

"But that was back in May. It's now September!" Claire says shocked.

"I can keep a secret you know Claire." Ella snaps back. Me and Liam share the look and start giggling.

"YOU'RE IN LOOOOVE!" We both tease making her blush as red as the tomato sauce on the pasta.

Maybe I was wrong about Ella, she could actually be a good friend.

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