Once Upon A Time

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Today was no fairy tale. 

I looked at myself in the mirror and tried to do those breathing exercises to help me relax. You know? The 'breathe in, breathe out' thing. 

However, it wasn't working. 

Damn it. I think I resembled a blowfish with all the huffing and puffing. Really unattractive, Rei, I thought as I groaned and launched myself back to bed. 

I stared at the ceiling, trying to calm myself.

What was wrong with me, you say? Why couldn't I relax at all? Well, for starters, it was my first day of school. And, I'm also new in town which means, starting all over again. And... I am pretty sure I won't like it here. Why? 

Because of him.

No, not Him from the Power Puff Girls. But yes, he's a devil, too. Him cannot compare to his sheer evilness and rotten personality. 

Cue sigh. 

I mentally cringed when I remembered what he said to me a week ago. Von, the devil incarnate himself, the him who I was talking about, said that he would make my life miserable. As if having Lance for a brother wasn't hell enough. 

Oh wait, if fairy tales do exist, then he would be the big, bad wolf. And I would be the little pig that got gobbled up. 


Why did we have to move here in this stupid, godforsaken place? 

Oh, because of Dad's promotion. Right. Let's blame it all to that.

"Rebecca Taylor!" I winced when I heard my mom scream. "You better come down right this instant or I swear, I'll let you walk to school!"

I sighed. I hated my name. Definitely not what a mother would name a princess. Mom must be really pissed if she called me by my full name. I glanced at the clock and jumped out of bed. If I didn't hurry now, I would be really late.

I gave myself one last look in the mirror. I was wearing a black band shirt, skinny jeans, and black Converse high-tops. I'm a sucker for black so sue me. But I'm definitely not emo. More like punk? 

I'd like to say I have multiple piercings and a tattoo because that would sound cool, but I hate pain of all kinds, so there's no way I would have those. And my mom would definitely castrate me if I have those. And yes, castration applies to women, too. Just google it.

With my raven hair, slim body, an abysmal lack on the chest part, and 5'5" height, I guess I passed as your average teenage girl. I blew my bangs away from my eyes as I grabbed my black backpack, okay maybe I'm a little obsessed with the black thing, and sprinted down to the kitchen.

"Where are Dad and Lance?" I asked as I grabbed a sandwich and carton of milk from the table and hurriedly gobbled them up. "And please don't call me Rebecca again."

"They took off early," my mom replied, ignoring my last statement and giving my outfit a disapproving look. "Lance didn't want to be late for his first day. You should learn from him."

I rolled my eyes. My older brother by a year, Lawrence Taylor or Lance for short, just went to school early so he could check out the ladies. I knew because he told me so himself. What a pervert.

"Are you done?" My mom gave me an impatient look. 

At 40, my mom was still looking great as ever with her raven hair, blue eyes and a height of 5'6". Lance and I inherited her hair color, but Lance got her blue eyes while I got Dad's green ones. At 43, Dad was still energetic and humorous as ever. He had auburn hair and a height of 6'0. Sad to say, I was the dwarf of the family, Lance being 6'1". However, I'd like to think that I was still a growing up girl so maybe there's still some hope for me after all.

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