An Ally Appears!

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The nice thing about this school was, they didn't make you do unnecessary introductions. They just made you sit anywhere you like and that's exactly what I did. Then they proceeded to start the lesson.

My calculus teacher was explaining some formulas on the board but I couldn't concentrate at all. I kept thinking about Von. He really looked familiar. He looked like... like that fat boy who used to come visit his grandparents every summer at the town where we used to live! 

I frowned in thought. 

But his name was something like Vernon. So he must not be the same boy. It was too much of a coincidence if he was. And Von wasn't even fat. I bet he was really cute when he was a kid.

I began to reminisce about my princess days. I was 6 when I met that little brat. He saw us playing on the front lawn, me with my princess tea set and Lance with his swords and dragons. Lance and he became friends immediately, leaving me out of their games which made me resent him. He had always picked on me, too.

But every summer after that brought changes to our relationship. He slowly befriended me and I slowly warmed up to him. And when he began calling me his princess, I felt very happy. My princess dream was complete. I had my very own knight in shining armor. Lance used to tease us about it but I knew he was happy with the development. I was, too. 

Until that happened.

"Ms. Taylor?"

I jerked back to reality when my teacher called my name. The other students were looking at me. It seemed that he was calling me for a few times already but I was obviously spacing out. Way to make an impression, Rei.

"Y-yes, sir?" I stammered, my face reddening from all the attention.

"Can you tell us what number 16 is?" My teacher asked, looking at me with concern.

"Um." I squinted at the board to see. Good thing I was pretty good at math. "It's 24 to the fifth power plus c."

"That's right. And please pay attention to the class," he said sternly.

I nodded meekly. My classmates snickered and I ignored them. To hell with them. I straightened up and listened closely to the teacher even though I've learned the topic before in my old school. I didn't want to give him another excuse to pick on me.

Finally, the bell rang and I stood up to go to my next class. When I got to the hallway, I happened to come upon Von and his cronies and I panicked. I grabbed the person next to me and hid behind him/her in passing. When I finally deemed it safe to relax, I heard someone clear their throat and I remembered the person I had dragged along with me. I looked beside me and saw that the person I used as protection was a pretty blonde girl wearing thin-rimmed glasses. I barely registered the amused smile on her face because I was busy sputtering apologies.

"I'm so, so sorry! I didn't mean to drag you all the way here. It's just that--"

"It's okay," she said, her grin growing wider, "I was just surprised, that's all."

I struggled with my bag for a while, not knowing what else to say. She was really pretty. She was taller than me by an inch or two. She was wearing a pink sweater and blue jeans and she gave off a nerd impression, not that there's anything wrong with being a nerd. They're cool.

"We should be going to our next class, now," she said after a while.

I robotically nodded and searched for my next class. I found it on the next corner and hurried in. Great was my surprise when she walked in with me and plopped into the seat next to me. She must have seen the look on my face because she rolled her eyes playfully at me and demanded I give her my schedule. I showed it to her. She compared it to her own and nodded to herself.

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