Author's Notes

271 13 2

Heya there, Kyonji here again!

Look, I just want to again apologize for not doing too much "weekly update" (I mean, I have never done that before) because of school. Now that I'm in 11th grade, even though I have my own time table to fix my schedule for work and writing, teachers just gives us a bunch of craps to do and stuffs to finish in a short amount of time (WE ARE NOT EINSTEINS)

So then, as you all would know (or not), I'm actually about to finish with A.Ine since I already have the whole start-middle-end of this story up in my mind for so long that I just have to fill in the gaps (and that is writing it) but then as I said... school... school... SCHOOL xD

Well, I still really am thankful to ALL those who've been reading this and is keeping updated with this long-slow-update of mine and I swear to the River Styx that I'll FIND time to write (I mean, I still have other stories xD). And since midterms is just a few days away, I need to study harder.

Rumors has it that if we, the 11th grade students, doesn't have any failing marks in any of our subject, we'll have a month (December) of no classes! If I MANAGE to get that, I'll keep updating this and my other stories!

Once again, I am really sorry for the slow update and thankful to those who're DYING slowly with my endless cliffhangers xD (Seriously, I love you guys)



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