Chapter 9

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"Aine, why...?"


It was dark.

No matter where he looked, it was dark.

He ran.

Faster, faster!

I have----

I have to stop Aine!!!

He shouts his name, but it was of no use. He couldn't hear him. Aine couldn't hear Reiji calling him.

He ran towards Aine, but every time the closer he gets, Aine seems a lot further away.

He hastens his pace. But the gap between the two of them stretched more and more.

Reiji could hear his heart beating fast. He was already gasping for air, and he knows that any time soon he'll collapse if chases Aine further.

No! He told himself. He stopped running. He took a deep breath and at the top of his lungs, he shouted Aine's name.

He made Aine to turn around, but the moment Aine turned, Reiji was under water.

He began choking. His hands grip his throat and at his horizon, he could see Aine being pulled down by the gravity.

He opens his mouth, but salt water enters immediately, filling his lungs.

And then he was standing on solid ground.

He hears an eerie laughter. He turns around, but there was no one. It was only him.

"You killed him!"

Out of nowhere, mirrors fell down and were now surrounded.

"You killed him!"

"You don't deserve a friend like him!"

Shut up... He was trembling. He cupped his ears with his hands but the noise didn't stop.

"You murder!!"

Shut up...

"Aine didn't deserve this!"

"SHUT UP!!" Reji shouted and as soon as he did, his surrounding became quiet.

"Reiji!" He turned and saw Aine's smiling face. He reached out but the moment his finger tips touched the mirror, the glass shattered into pieces.

He hears laughter and it was getting louder and louder until he can see his own reflection in 8 mirrors, laughing at him with reddish eyes.

"You understand what I'm saying right, Rei-chan?" A reflection from his left said. Reiji stood up and punched the mirror that caused the mirror to break.

"You're the one who killed him," He turns around again found himself surrounded by his reflections, all saying similar things.

"He wasn't really your best friend."

"You wanted to kill him."

"You wanted him gone."

He couldn't take it anymore. Every single reflection of his was saying the same thing over and over again in chorus.

"You're the reason he's gone." He began to shake in fear. He knelt and began to shake as tears fall down his face.

"We know everything." One of the reflection stepped out of the mirror and his arms wrapped the terrified Reiji.

Quietly, he whispers, "After all, I am you."

It was the last straw.

He closed his eyes and cupped both of his ears.


He shouts this but the laughter didn't die, it just became louder.

"You're not me..." He mumbles as the volume of the laughter became louder and louder. In the end, he stood up, fist clenched and shouted, "YOU'RE NOT ME!!"


"Reiji, wake up!"

Ranmaru poured ice cold water on Reiji's head and Reiji immediately woke up, hands in the air causing to hit Ranmaru in the face.

"Rei~chan!" Ittoki rushed towards Reiji but Reiji pushed him away, causing Ittoki to fall and hit his head at the edge of the table. When Reiji realized what he'd done, he screamed.

"Reiji!" Katakiri shook him but as he did that, Reiji didn't stopped screaming and it just caused him to tantrum more.

"I didn't kill him...!" He said loudly and continuosly. Soon, the professor arrives and Katakiri stood up to let the professor sit on the bed.

"Rei-kun, snap out of it! It was only a dream. You didn't kill anybody..." The professor slowly said as he rub Reiji's back but Reiji shook his head. He hugged his knees and gives a silent wail.

"Otoya!" Ichinose says and knelt besides Ittoki who had his hand behind his head. When Ittoki saw Ichinose, he sighed and then his whole body leans on Ichinose which caused most of them to react and Ichinose blushes a little.

He shook Ittoki but when his hand touched the back of his head and saw drops of red liquid dropping, his eyes widened.

"Get me some bandages!" Ichinose shouts and slumps Ittoki's arm over his shoulder and then drags Ittoki's body outside of the room as Natsuki follows him behind.

"I'm sorry..." Reiji apologized, over and over again.

"Reiji, it's not---" Kei trailed off as soon as they heard glass shattered.


If it wasn't for Mikaze~chan (@Crimson_Labyrinth) for the help with the nightmare scene, I wouldn't have finished this~!!

Arigatou, Mikaze~chan!!!



♔ Uta no Prince-sama fanfic: A.Ine ♔


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