Chapter 7

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It's always been you, Rei... Always turning the negative to a positive one...


The professor halted which caused everyone to stop as well, Syo had his gaze wander around his surrounding that he didn't noticed that the professor had stopped causing him crash into Hijirikawa's back.

"Ouch...!" Syo muttered. "Sorry, Hijirikawa." And Hijirikawa said nothing. And then Cecil stumbling over Syo and that caused everyone in front of him fall.

"Watch where you're going, you baka-neko!!" Camus shouted and Ranmaru covered his face with his palm and sighed.

"Oi Ren! Get off of me!" Ichinose exclaimed.

"How would I if Na~chan's over me?" Ren irritatingly said.

"Kurusu!" Hijirikawa shouted.

"It wasn't me, sheesh!" Syo shouted. He looked at Katakiri and Kei still on their feet were now laughing at them. Reiji looked at them and their epic domino fall caused him to smile just a little.

"Wah~! Rei-chan smiled!!" Ittoki immediately stood up and Hijirikawa, who was behind him, stumbled backward.

"Oi, Ittoki!" Hijirikawa called and Syo had his face on the floor.

"Hi-Hijirikawa!!" Syo muttered and Hijirikawa stood up.

"Oi! I let you down to se Mikaze, not to turn my place in chaos!" The professor scolded them.

"G-GOMEN!!" They all exclaimed at the same time. (@.@)

"Rei-kun, are they like that?" The professor asked Reiji and Reiji shook his head and then laughed and everyone stood still and looked at him.

"Rei~chan..." Ittoki said under his breath and he released a sigh of relief but after that Reiji turned around and the professor walked about 10 steps.

"Rei-kun..." The professor said and he, Katakiri and Kei walked forward as the others who fell were trying to stand up and when they were on their feet, they just waited for Reiji and the rest to step back.

The moment the professor told them to step forward, he's been having mixed emotions. Sadness, guilt, fear, and regret came rushing in, he can even feel his heart beating fast as if someone was chasing him.

At that moment, each step he takes, memories of the time they, he, Katakiri, Kei and Aine, were still classmates at Saotome Gakuen.


"Aine~yan~!!" Reiji exclaims and ran towards Aine.

"Reiji...!" Aine said and smiled.

"Hey now, don't forget about us..." Katakiri said as Kei walked towards Aine and Reiji.

"Mochiron~! Hibi~chan, Nami-Onpa~!"

"Dakara...! Don't call me nami-onpa!"

"Then how 'bout Wave~chan?"

"Wave-chan?! Stop with the weird nicknames!"

"Now, now Kei-kun," Aine said, trying to stop Kei from punching Reiji. (^.^")

"Reiji, you never changed..." Katakiri sighed and Reiji looked at him and smiled widely. They were walking the big garden towards the school when someone stopped them, held his camera and told them to have a picture.

"I'll pass," Katakiri and Kei said at the same time. They walked away but Aine and Reiji pulled them.

"Come on~" Reiji told them as he dragged Kei's arm, Aine just smiled as he grabbed Katakiri's shirt. Katakiri sighed.

"Just one," Katakiri said and stood besides Reiji as Kei stood besides Katakiri, Aine and Reiji together.

The camera man raised his 3 fingers and started to count down. As he click the button, Reiji held two of his fingers up and created a peace sign as Aine smiled, Katakiri and Kei having a poker face. The camera man thanked them and then gave them the immediate develop of the picture and waltz off.

"I'll be keeping this~!" Reiji said. (=^・ω・^)y=

"Reiji, have one develop for me if you can," Aine said, looking at the picture. Katakiri and Kei leaning a little bit to take a look at the picture but Reiji gave the picture to Kei.

"Ne Nami-Onpa~!"

"I told you to quit calling me that name!!"

"Do you want a copy of it?" 

"I'd like to get one,"

"Sure thing, Hibi~chan!!" 

"Why do I only have the weirdest nicknames?!"

"Why?" Reiji looked at him and then closed his eyes and tilted his head slightly to the left which left Aine, Katakiri and Kei stared at him, waiting for the answer when Reiji threw his arms over Kei and Katakiri and replied, "Well, "onpa(音波) means "wave" that's why "nami-onpa"!"

"DON'T PUT ME INTO A PUN!!!!!" Kei shouted and tried to hit Reiji but Katakiri and Aine was pulling him back. (‡▼益▼)

 "N-now now, Kei-kun..." Aine said, trying to calm Kei down but Kei struggled at Katakiri's grasp and then when Katakiri lost his grip around Kei's waist, Kei started chasing Reiji around and around.

"K-kei..." Katakiri slumped his bag over his shoulder and he and Aine walked away, leaving Kei and Reiji chase each other around.

"Ne, Hibiki, won't they be late?" Aine asked as they walked further out and Katakiri shook his head.

"They won't. Besides, they've done this a lot and Reiji always let Kei chase him towards the classroom."

Aine smiled, "Yeah, you're right."


"I'll be here if you need anything," The professor said and the three boys nodded. They each took a slow step towards Aine and when they could clearly see his body, only one word escaped their mouths.



                                ♔ Uta no Prince-sama fanfic: A.Ine ♔


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