Under control

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Meanwhile at Katie's..

Katie P.O.V

Skye has been sleeping for an hour. What pup can sleep too much? Then I went into the room where Skye was. She was acting all wired. Skye wasn't sleeping anymore, instead she was bitting the pillow, and ruining the room. 'Skye!' I shouted, 'What in the world are you doing?' She didn't answer, but she ran straight through my legs and went out through the two doors. I called Ryder,

'Ryder here,'
'Skye ran away,'
'I don't know, but she ruined the room where she was sleeping!'
'Hmm, what direction is it going?'
'The road you took to the forest,'
'Okay,' Ryder dismissed.

Chase P.O.V

'Rocky?' I asked as I went near to him. He growled, and jumped on me showing his sharp teeth. 'Hey Rocky! What are you doing?!' I yelped, he was going to scrtah me?! Yes he did! 'OUCH!' I screamed, it hurts so badly! 'Chase?' Ryder's voice said. 'Help!' I shouted, 'Rocky is insane!' Ryder pulled Rocky off me, man that hurts allot. 'Rocky, what do you have to say?' Ryder asked, but the answer was a growl. Rocky bit Ryder and jumped. The boy passed out.

'Ryder?' I said, 'Are you ok sir?' He was a 100% not ok. He had white eyes like Rocky's, Ryder also had sharp teeth, and a dark voice. 'You are coming with me!' Ryder said. He tried to grab me, I dodge, then Rocky behind me was trying to catch me, I dodge and dodge and dodge! Suddenly I heard a familiar howl, Skye! Thank goodness she is here! She will help me get rid of these minions. But I was wrong. Skye was white eyed and got sharp teeth like Rocky's. She only seems to howl like Rocky, now she is growling like Rocky. Everything what Skye is doing what Rocky is doing! I called the other pups, 'Everyone to the forest, this is an emergency!'

Rubble P.O.V

I was digging in the sand - because I was bored - I heard my pup tag say, ' Everyone to the forest, this is an emergency!' Finally I get to do something fun! I rode off with my truck to the forest along with Zuma and Marshall. As We reached to the Forest, I got off my truck, I looked for Chase but no sign of him. 'Guys, over here,' I heard Chase's voice form the bush. We all ran in the bush and stayed quite. 'Chase why are we here?' I asked, 'And where is Ryder and Rocky?'
'They got the smoke disease,' Chase said, 'The smoke makes them evil or minions or whatever.'  Then we heard a howl, 'That sounds like Skye!' whispered Marshall, 'She might need help.'
'Marshall don't go out!' Chase whispered loudly, but Marshall already went out. Then we heard a yelp, then a howl, 'That sounds like Marshall dude,' Zuma said, 'Now what are we going to do?!'

'Hmm we need a cure to this,' I said, 'Maybe smoke is allergic to water!'
'Yeah of course!' Chase said happily, 'Why didn't I think of that before?!'
'Dudes we need to make this plan work,' Zuma said, 'This must me Under Control.'

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