Buckets of Water

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Ace P.O.V

I am tired, in the middle of the night. Who in the world has an emergency at midnight?! Anyways, I brought 20 buckets of water down to the Lookout, then I hesitated. There were screams and crashes on the high floor (where they do missions). I got my binoculars and took a closer look, oh no, not good. Looks like Skye is chasing Rocky and Marshall! What pup does that? But the problem is, where should I land?! I looked around, no pup was there. I decided to land on the green grass, I looked around while offing Amelia's engine, the close is clear. I carried a box of five buckets of water into the Lookout, I went up the elevator.

Rocky P.O.V

Skye is smart, I tell you what, she is never smart. I can tell she doesn't know maths, seriously. I heard the elevator ding, it was Ace! 'Ace! Glad you're here!' I said in relief. 'Boy I am thirsty,' she said, out of breath. 'Rocky Lookout!' Marshall shouted suddenly, I knew why, Skye was holding that bottle again! I dodged, but I forgotten about Ace! She got splashed!

'Wow I feel dizzy,' Ace said, wobbling around. 'Marshall,' I said, 'Your water cannon!'
'Oh yeah,' he said, 'Ruff! Water Cannon!' He got a head splash on me, but it was meant for Skye, then he splashed the elevator instead of Ace, finally he managed to splash Skye! 'Wha, what happened?' She asked, then passed out.

Marshall P.O.V

'Rocky, take her in shelter!' I shouted, while I was trying to splash Ace. Ace was harder than Skye (not) but she is an awful good dodger. Finally, I manage to splash her, 'What happened?' She asked, laying down. 'Tell you later,' I said.

I was checking on Skye, 'Man Rocky, she has fever,' I said. 'I know Marshall,' he said. Suddenly, there was a howl down the bay, I looked down. The other pups were rishon towards the Lookout, 'Rocky,' I said, 'Get your buckets of water out, we are going wild.'

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