The cafetetia

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It's lunch now. I only have one class left until I can go home. I've had five classes so far and three of them have been with Clarke. I haven't spoken to her much since this morning. I'm not that hungry so I'm just having a ham sandwich. As I look around the cafeteria, I find no empty tables. I continue to walk through the rows of tables looking for somewhere to sit. There was a space at a table where Clarke and her friends were sitting. I thought that they wouldn't mind as long as I asked so I carried on walking. I was about three tables away when somebody grabbed my wrist. I looked down and saw one of the guys from one of the classes I had earlier. 'You can sit with us if you want' I looked up at the space and looked back down at him.

'Umm, okay.' I sat down next to him.

'Your name's Lexa right?' I nodded. 'I'm murphy'

'Hey.' I looked around the table, not many people were sat with him. Just someone I think is called Finn and a girl called Emori. 'No offense, but why did you want me to sit with you? I mean you hardly know me'.

'I saw you earlier, you seem pretty cool. And you're generally pretty as well.' I blushed at his comment. 'That's actually something I wanted to talk about. I thought you might want to be my girlfriend.'

'Let me guess. Bad boy, new girl. You think that me being new means I'm someone else to play with. Anything I missed out?'

'Actually, that was pretty accurate' Finn said. Murphy glared at him.

'Shut up! I swear I will kill you.' He paused, 'In a non-criminal way'. 'Don't tell me that you're only turning me down because you also prefer girls.'

'What do you mean, also? And no I'm not, I'm just not an idiot.'

'Yeah, I asked someone else out before, but they prefer girls. And for turning me down, you are an idiot.' I stood up and walked away. As I walked past Clarke's table she called my name. I stood at the head of the table and looked at her. 'Yes Clarke?'

'I was wondering, what are you doing tonight?'

'I was planning on going home and sleeping if I'm honest.' I shrugged.

'Do you mind if I come over? It's just my moms busy tonight and she can get really moody when she's frustrated. If you can't have me over that's fine, I was just wondering.' Clarke continued to babble. I laughed lightly,

'Clarke, it's fine. My mom won't mind and she won't be there long, she has to go out. Are you guys coming too?' I asked the others.

'Me and Octavia can't, sorry. We were planning on going out.' Lincoln said

'I've got work' Bellamy said.

'And I just want to go home. Mom told me that she wants me to help her with something she broke. Then I want to sleep.' Raven told us.

'I guess it's just us then' she smiled at me. I like it when she smiles.

'I'll meet you outside after our last class. Bye!' And I turned to go to my final class. Tonight's going to be awesome.

I walked along the halls, full of people, dying to leave this place. When I finally managed to leave the building, I spotted Clarke. I walked over to her and smiled. 'Sorry, we have to walk. I only live about fifteen minuets away from here though.'

'That's fine. We can talk.' We started walking out of the school grounds and around the corner. 'So, what's your favorite color?'

'I like green. Like the green off of trees in the middle of summer. What's yours?'

'I like art, so I like a lot of colors.'

'Can you draw me something later?'

'Sure. I would love to'. We carried on walking and in no time, we were at my house. 'Welcome to me casa'. She laughed at that. When I opened the door I shouted to my mom. 'Hey mom! I'm home! I brought a friend!' My mom came around the corner from the living room and smiled at us. She walked up to clarke and hugged her. 'Hello! Who are you?' She asked when she let go.

'Um, I'm Clarke. Lexa said I could come over to protect me from my moms crazy-ness'

'She did, did she? Well, you're pretty. It was nice meeting you but I have to be off in a few minuets, it was nice meeting you. You can stay as long as you want.'

'Thank you'

'See you later Mom.' She said goodbye and went back to what she was doing. 'Come on clarke,you can leave your shoes down here if you want, let's go upstairs.' We kicked our shoes off and headed upstairs.

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