secret places

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Clarke's p.o.v

We had walked through the woods for about an hour. Even though it takes a while to get there, it's worth it. Nobody ever seems to find it because of how long it takes and how far out it is which means it's a good place to get away and for peace. I've never shown anyone this place before but there's something different about lexa. We spent part of the walk in a comfortable silence, and the other part joking around and talking. When we got to a specific part of the woods I stopped and lexa looked at me.

"Why've we stopped here? There's nothing but a bit of empty space and trees all around." She looked at me with, curiosity and confusion etched on her face. I chuckled slightly.

"Not everything is as it seems" I walked over to a specific spot and brushed away the fallen leaves. Leaving a car door that had slightly rusted over. I pulled the handle and pulled the door open. I held it open and gestured for her to get in.

"Are you sure it's safe? I mean it's a car that's been buried under here for, by the looks of it, a long time" I smiled at her.

"Trust me?" She nodded then sat on the edge, jumping into it. I'd covered the window with some materials so that it can take the impact of people jumping on it. After she'd jumped in and moved slightly down the car, I jumped down and settled with my back against the back of the front seat that was now on its side due to how the car was buried. With a lot of effort, I'd taken out the back seats so that there was more room and I could lie down. Lexa was sat with her back near the window and was looking around.

"So this is the place you've kept secret. I can see why. It's a nice place but you'd never want it over crowded." I nodded. About a minute later she walked past me in a crouched position and reached into the front. "Look what I found" she said pulling a small bottle from the front and shaking it slightly.

"I've never noticed that there, then again I've never really explored the front properly. What's in it?" She read the bottle but it seemed to give no information. She sat back where she was and took a mouthful. She grimaced at the taste for a moment and then smiled at me.

"Rum" I laughed at the face she pulled and took the bottle off of her, taking a mouthful of it and pulling a face I can only imagine looked like gollum. She burst out laughing at me which ended with me also laughing. There wasn't much left in the bottle so it wouldn't cause much of an effect on us. We both took another mouthful then put the bottle aside. "Clarke? You don't have to because it's your choice but, do you wanna talk about your dad? It would just be nice to know about your past." I paused for a second then nodded.

"Me and my dad were really close. He wasn't just my dad he was like a best friend to me. He actually gave me the watch I'm wearing. It used to be his but I loved it when I was younger and he gave it to me as a gift when I was older. I wear it because it's one of the last things he gave me and it makes me feel like I'm keeping a piece of him close." I fiddled with the watch a little before continuing. "It was awful after he had the crash. I visited him every day, some nights I stayed there and missed school to see him. He was in a coma for about a month, the doctors said he was fighting really hard. I would read him stories and speak to him because I just felt like he could always ßhear me somehow. One day I was reading him a story and all of a sudden the monitor showing his heart beat got slower until it just stopped. For a while I just shut myself off because of it but I knew he wouldn't want me to use the rest of my life being sad about it and that I just need to keep his memory alive and do him proud. One of the saddest parts about the whole thing though is that I shut myself off from my best friend. Because I was so upset I blamed him because I felt I needed someone to blame. Wells had been on the car with his dad- jaha - and he told me that he'd said something to his dad that caused him to look away and not pay attention. That moment was all it took and their car collided with my dad's. Because wells distracted his dad and then came away from the crash with a broken rib and a sprained arm but my dad was the one who payed the worst price. Wells was moving somewhere else when we talked about the whole thing again and I realised that it was stupid to blame him and waste a lifetimes friendship for an accident. I haven't seen him since." I kept my head bowed, afraid to look at her. I braved it and glanced up at her and she reached forward and grabbed my hand.

"I'm glad you reconciled with your friend. I know your father would be proud of you moving on and trying to do something that would make him proud. He sounded like a great man and a great father" I nodded and squeezed her hand.

"I think it's your turn now. I just told you one of the biggest events to happen to me so far, you can tell me something. Like where your father is since I've never seen him and you've never spoken about him." I was curious about her father. I knew very little about her and if we were on the topic of fathers anyway I might as well get something.

"There's not much to tell really. I didn't really know him. One day we were all at home together, the next he didn't show up. I still don't know why he left. I don't know what it is that I did that made him leave. I've been told it's not my fault but if he hadn't left before I was born why did he leave after. I will probably always blame myself even if it's just a little. We weren't good enough for him and you know what? That's okay. He left with no explanation so in my eyes he's dead and didn't deserve to stay with us." She looked at me for a minute, "I know it's probably not the sort of story you wanted to hear but it's the truth" i shrugged.

"Hey I just wanted to know something about you. This is a start." We smiled at each other then she looked at her watch. "It's nearly three, it's going to take an hour to get back and I need to go the library and grab some stuff for my mom. I would love to stay with you for longer but there's also school tomorrow and I want to get an early night for a change."

"That's alright. I've spent the all day with you and when raven and o weren't there yesterday. That reminds me, you're not upset that they stayed longer than just one night are you? It wasn't meant to happen it just did."

"Hey, I'm not complaining. Our friendship might not have been put on hold and that time at the lake might not have happened so I'm actually glad they stayed." I smirked. I got up and held my hand out to help lexa up. I pulled her to her feet then pushed the car door open. I grabbed onto the edge of it and pulled myself up. I placed one foot on the edge, it slipped off but I caught myself and pulled myself up completely.

"Be careful" she scolded me jokingly.

"Yes commander." I saluted mockingly. She laughed and shook her head and she pulled herself out almost effortlessly. We started walking back and then something occurred to me. "That's what I can call you! I'm gonna call you commander raccoon!" And I swear I've never seen someone face palm as hard as she did.

Woah! I uploaded twice in a month!first time in a while... oops. There's some good and bad stuff to come soon and you guys are probably gonna hate me but hey! That's gotta mean I'm doing something right. The next chapter will be a filler to lead towards the bigger stuff so just bear with it, thanks for reading guys :)

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 25, 2016 ⏰

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