Lexa's house

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'So, clarke, can you draw me something now?' I asked her. She smiled at me and nodded. She took out her art pad and a pencil and started to sketch. After about five minuets she looked up at me and smiled before looking back down at her sketch pad. 'What?' I laughed. She shook her head.


'Seriously! Tell me!' I tried to grab the pad but she pulled away. She sketched for a few more seconds and then passed it to me. I took it off her and looked at it. It was amazing! 'Clarke, this is amazing! One question though, why did you choose to draw me of all things?'

'Because, I wanted to draw something nice.' I blushed at that. Her phone buzzed and she looked at it. She sighed in annoyance and put it back in her pocket.

'That bad, eh?'

'Nah, it's just my ex. He's being clingy and wants me back. He's cool and everything but I just didn't feel good with him.'

'Well maybe you'll find someone better?' I told her, trying to make her feel better. 'What was wrong with the one before him?'

'She just didn't work out. She had to move to a different country.' She said she! Is she the one Murphy was talking about?

'Never mind. You'll find someone eventually.' I smiled and she smiled back.

'What about you. Any past relationships that didn't go well?' Should I tell her? I do trust her.

'I've only had one. Her name was Costia. That was back before I moved. She was nice but I knew I had to move and it would hurt her. Even though we had broken up, she was still upset when I left and she got angry.' She gave me a look of concern.

'I'm sorry that happened to you. Just take your own advice. You'll find someone eventually.' I smiled again and put the drawing on the wall by my bed. 'I don't want to be a pain, but is it okay if I stay over? I don't know what time my mom will finish her work and if I wait too long I'll be walking home really late.'

'Clarke, it's fine. My mom won't be back for hours and it will mean I have company.'

'Thank you' we sat there for a moment until I thought of something we could do.

'Hey, do you want to watch a film? Your choice.'

'Sure!' I loaded Netflix on my laptop and handed it to her. She typed for a little bit and then clicked on her chosen film. I looked at the screen.

'You like Pirates of the Caribbean?' I asked her.

'Who doesn't!? Johnny depp is the best!' I laughed at that and moved to sit next to her. I rested my back against the headboard of my bed and put the laptob between our legs. Clarke was lying down next to me ready to watch the film. Johnny depp came onto the screen and we both fell silent. About half way through the film, clarke rested her head on my shoulder and not long after her breathing became steady and she was asleep. I turned the film off and put the laptop on the side, carfull not to disturb clarke. I moved down a bit so we were lying down properly and wrapped my arm around Clarke's shoulder. I slowley slipped into a peaceful sleep.

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