On Hold

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'Where the hell have you guys been?' Raven asked as we aproached them at the tree house. She looked at our clothes and realization flashed through her eyes. 'Ah, the rope swing.' We nodded at her, i don't know why but i think Octavia sensed there was something between us but left it for now.
'So this is the famous tree house then? It's a pretty good build. Did you guys build it yourselves?' I asked.
'Yeah we did, about a year or two ago. It took us about eleven hours over three days in the holidays' Clarke told me.
'It's pretty neat for something that was built by three sixteen year olds.' I chuckled. She shrugged her shoulders and climbed up the ladder and disappeared over the top. Seconds later her head poped over the top and smiled at me. 'Come on, it's exactly how we left it up here' i smiled back at her and followed up the ladder. When i got up the top it seemed a lot larger than i thought it would be. There were some drawings pinned to the wall- I'm assuming they were drawn by clarke. There was also a funny drawing of O with a huge head. There was a drawing of a Raven that said 'a raven for raven' in the corner. I noticed some random bits and bobs around the tree house, there was a beanbag in the corner and a couple of empty crisp wrappers scattered around the floor. 'Did you guys never think about cleaning up your trash?' I ask. Octavia fakes a gasp, 'This isn't litter! This is creative decoration!' She says, making an excuse for their litter. I noticed a small white peice of fluff on the floor and picked it up. 'What is this?' Raven held out her hand and i placed it in her palm. She examined the small peice of fluff until a smile broke out on her face.
'GUYS! REMEMBER LITTLE BLACK BIRD!' they all started laughing. Clarke managed to control herself and spoke.
'You mean the fat stuffed animal that O got you as a joke? Yeah we remember' she laughed again. 'We also remember the dare that came after it where we dared you to bury it in the woods somewhere.' She laughed again. Then O spoke, 'yeah, then you caught it on a peice of wood and made a tiny rip causing little bits of the stuffing to fall out.' By this point i was laughing just as much as they were.
'I wonder if it's still out there somewhere...' Raven said thoughtfully. Then raven and O looked at eachother, then at clarke and me. 'WE'LL BE BACK!' they said in unison and clambered out of the treehouse together.
'... They've gone to look for that bird haven't they?' I asked. Clarke nodded and finally stopped laughing, the grin left on her face. After a minute if silence, i spoke. 'I wanted to talk about what happened at the river...'
'Me too' she told me. 'I don't know what your opinion is gonna be on this, you can say whatever you want about it and i won't mind. But, can we put our friendshio on hold?' I dropped my smile and looked at her.
'Why do you want to do that? Was it that bad?'
'Nonononono! When i said on hold, i meant do you think we could put our friendship on hold... And maybe.. Um.. Go out? That way, if our friendship was on hold and it goes wrong or doesn't work out, we'll still have our friendship. I really like you. When i first met you, i thought that i immediately would be great friends with you. Then i got to know you and... I think i got a crush on you straight away. When that dare happened it proved to me that i definately did like you. I just want to give it a chance.' I just stared at her with my mouth wide open. I closed my mouth and smiled at her.
'Funnily enough, i like you too. I thought you were pretty when i met you, then i developed a crush on you and when the kiss happened, i couldn't deny it anymore but i thought you didn't feel the same. It's such a relief to know you do. And to answer your question, i would love to put our friendship on hold and to go out with you.' We smiled at eachother. That's when we heard noises and seconds later raven and O returned with a fat stuffed bird. We all broke out laughing at the muddy state of it. 'So what were you talking about while we were bird hunting?' We looked at eachothwr and smiled slightly.
'Nothing' we said in unison.

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