just a crush

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Can that clock tick any slower? I just want to finish the day and go home.
Wait.. Yes! That was the last one! But the teacher's not saying anyt-
'Okay class. You may leave.' I jumped out of my seat, grabbed my bag and sped out of the classroom. I walked down the hall through the sea of people, desperate like me to get out of here. I mean seriously. Why is it that all this place does is slowly suck the soul out of your body painfully and slowly? It's like they want us to become zombies! I spotted clarke and walked over to her. I tapped her on her shoulder and she turned around. Except it wasn't Clarke.... The girl gave me a weird look and turned back to her friend. There was a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see clarke. 'I think that was the wrong person' she laughed. I hugged her. When I let go I saw Octavia next to her, smirking. Weird.

'Come on. My car's this way.' She said. We followed her to a black BMW.

'Woah!' Octavia chuckled.

'I know! She's my baby.'

'Stop drooling, O. We need to go.' Clarke said. Octavia nodded and sat in the drivers seat. I got in the back and waited for clarke to get in the front. Except she didn't. She climbed in on the other side to sit by me. I looked over at her and she was staring out of the window. I nudged her with my elbow and she turned and smiled. She put her head down on my shoulder and I tensed slightly. I just stared forward. I caught octavias eye in the mirror and she still had a smirk playing at her lips. I ignored her and watched as the streets and trees started to roll past.

It wasn't long before we arrived at her house, it was a bit bigger than my own. We climbed out of the car, Octavia said she was going to go get some stuff from her house, pick up raven and come back to get us.

There were photo's going along the blue walls of the hallway. Some had Clarke and as woman, I'm guessing her mom. Some had a man standing with the two of them an some of her mom and the man I guessed was her father. It was nicely decorated and I could see drawings of landscapes along the walls. I stopped and ran my finger along the drawing. It was amazing. 'Who drew this?' I asked, amazed.

'I did.' She told me.

'They're amazing! I mean I knew you were good at art, but this is beautiful!'
'Thanks. It's not that good.'

'Clarke, this is amazing! Don't tell me it's not. You're talented.' She smiled at me. The woman from the photos appeared out of nowhere.

'Hello. I'm Clarke's mom. Please call me Abby. You must be lexa, right?' I nodded. 'Thought so, Clarke's told me a lot about you.' I looked at her and she blushed and looked to the floor. Then she glared at her mom who just laughed.

'Mom. Don't you have somewhere else you need to go?' She stared at her mom.

'Oh. Yes. I need to go and... Do some... Stuff. You girls go ahead, I just wanted to say hi. It was nice meeting you lexa.'

'It was nice meeting you too.' With that she walked away giving Clarke a small smirk as she went past.

'I'm so sorry. My mom can be weird sometimes. She's good at heart but likes to embarrass me.' She told me. I chuckled and agreed. 'Come on. Octavia won't take too long so we have to hurry.' She started walking upstairs. I followed closely behind her.

Her room was big. It had a double bed in the middle of the room, a bedside table on either side. There was a large desk covered in sketch books and drawings. She had a closet and a set of draws. Clarke grabbed a bag from her closet and put a couple of t-shirts, a pale blue jumper, a very jacket and a pair of gray pants. She also put some underwear and socks in there. Then she grabbed a sketch pad and a few pencils and put them on the top. I walked over to the desk and looked at the drawings on there. I noticed a drawing of the man from the photos. I picked it up and looked at it.

'It's my father.' Clarke said from next to me. I turned to face her, she stared at the drawing. 'He died a few years ago. It hurt me and my mom but there was nothing we could do about it. We knew it was coming. He'd been ill for months before and the doctors said that he was only going to get worse from there. I loved him so much. He inspired me to be who I am and to do what I believe is right and defend what I believe in.' She told me.

'Clarke, I'm so sorry. He sounds like he was a great man.' I told her and pit my hand on her shoulder.

'He was. There's no need to be sorry though. It was a couple of years ago. I miss him but I know that he would want me to move on and not spend my whole life grieving. I grieved for a month. I gave myself a month. Then I did what I knew he would want me to. Even though he's gone, he still inspires me. He always will.' She looked up at me and we stared at each other for a few seconds. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I thought she was going to lean in but I wasn't sure. Then there was a car horn coming from outside. I looked out of the window and and saw octavias car. I took my hand off of her shoulder and said 'come on. Better not keep her waiting.' She nodded and grabbed her bag and left the room. There's no way she was going to kiss me. She hardly knows me, so why would she kiss me. I was stupid for even thinking that. She probably only sees me as a friend. I wish she knew how I felt, but I can't tell her. She would probably only think it's some stupid crush. Maybe it is just a crush. I'll get over it eventually. I hope. With that though I followed her out to octavias car. Raven was sat up front with octavia and clarke was sat next to me again.

I really hope this crush goes away soon.

Highschool - the 100 (clexa)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ