I both hate and love spin the bottle

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Lexas P.O.V

So here we were, sat in the middle of my bedroom floor playing spin the bottle using an empty coke bottle. It was Clarke's turn to spin and we all watched as the bottle spun repeatedly and came to a slow stop infront of Raven. 'Truth or dare?' Clarke asked. Raven smirked at her.

'Dare' she said without even a hint of worry.

'Do you ever pick truth?' I asked her. She shook her head.

'No. I don't trust clarke so i would rather do a dare.' She told me.

'Raven. I dare you to.... to call Wick and tell him you love him!' She smirked.

'I can't do that! I don't even love him!'

'Do it or I will fart on you while you sleep.' O said. All of a sudden Raven had her phone in her hand and was dialing a number. She put it on speaker and we all shut up.

'Well well well... If it isn't the little black bird. Are you actually calling me Reyes?' He chuckled. Raven sighed in annoyance.

'Don't make a big thing out of this.. It won't be happening again anytime soon. Don't make me regret calling you because i will hang up.'

'Woah, sorry black bird. Didn't mean to upset you. What did you want?' Raven took a deep breath in and looked at Clarke who nodded at her with a cute grin on her face. She looked at the phone and paused. Then it all came out at once.

'WICKILOVEYOU!' then she hung up on him. We all looked at her with our mouths open. I was the first to speak.

'I can't believe you did that. You need to call him back.' I chuckled.

'WHAT!? WHY!?' She looked at me like i was crazy.

'Because number one, next time you see him it will be completely awkward. Number two, i know that i, and probably anybody else, would be confused if someone shouted that down the phone and didn't let me speak. I would also feel like i did something wrong.' I felt a pair of eyes on me as i spoke and looked at clarke who was staring at me. Raven sighed and dialed the number. Wick picked up almost immediately.

'Lucky me. You called twice.' He said.

'Shut up wick'

'I'm kidding..... What did you say before you hung up? It sounded like you said you love me.' She laughed uncomfortably then there was another pause. 'Well, there's kinda someone i already like.' She looked sad and was about to speak when he spoke again 'her name's Raven Reyes. She's pretty cool y'know. She's alittle nerdy but she's still cool. Admitting any feelings for her is amazing because she's so laid back and is friends with everyone. She also doesn't really . She's also the girl I've been crushing on for years. So, Reyes. Would you like to join me on Saturday and go to dinner?' Raven dropped the phone and just stared out in space.

'SHE'D LOVE TO!' I shouted towards the phone. O and Clarke smiled at eachother and Clarke leaned over to high five me. I hit my hand against hers and looked at her, my had frozen where it was. After a few seconds i looked away and pulled my hand away. He chuckled 'hey guys. See you saturday Reyes.' And he hung up. Clarke jumped at Raven and hugged her. 'I knew he like you!' Raven hit Clarke on the arm. 'Shut up. It's my turn to spin the bottle.' She span it, the three if us laughing at her lightly. It slowed down and stopped on me. She looked up and smirked.

'Raven... I'm sorry. Whatever you're planning and for whatever reason... I'm sorry.' She just looked at me.

'Truth, lexa. Or dare?' I haven't got much for them to find out and the only thing i don't want to say about yet is that i prefer girls.

'As much as i hate to, Dare.' That caused Raven's smirk to widen. Oh no.
'I dare you,' she paused for a few seconds to think 'to kiss Clarke. Not just a little peck either.' I just stared at her as my jaw dropped. I saw Clarke stare at her with wide eyes.

'What?! We just met that would just be awkward.' I looked at Clarke 'wouldn't it?' She looked away and nodded slightly.

'I did my dare. You have to do yours.' I looked at O who just shrugged.

'She's right you know.' I sighed and looked at them again but there was no changing their minds. I looked over at Clarke. She was looking down.

'Our friends have the weirdest minds.' I chuckled lightly.

'Yeah' she said quietly then looked up. When she looked up something came over me and i lifted my right hand to her face as i leaned forward and placed my lips on hers. At first she was shocked but she staryed to kiss back within seconds. Everything around us seemed to vanish as if we were the only two people left in the whole universe. It felt like we were in this position forever, when in reality it was only just under thirty seconds. That's when she broke the gentle kiss by pulling away slightly. We opened our eyes and looked at each other. I was about to lean forward again when there was a coughing sound. Clarke and i seperated and sat apart to see O smirking at us again. Raven was trying not to laugh. I scratched the back of my neck and cleared my throat.

'Guys. We said kiss but not just a peck. We didn't say it had to be a full blown make out.' O chuckled, causing Raven to burst out laughing.

'Shut up. You dared me to kiss her, I was just sticking to the dare.' I said

'Yeah well that was the most stretched out dare I've ever seen'

'O, shut up. It was just a little kiss. Didn't mean anything.' Clarke said. Making me feel a bit sad but i didn't show it.

'Sure. Whatever you say Griffin. I'm tired. Let's go to bed.'

'But I'm not tired' Raven moaned. O shot her a glare and looked at her. Raven understood then. 'Im so tired. Let's sleep. Night guys.' The two of them went ober to their beds on the floor and curled up. I stood up and walked over to the bed and got under the covers. I looked ober at Clarke who stared at me. 'Come on prisa' i patted the bed next to me lightly. She walked over to the bed and got under the covers.

'Lexa, what does prisa mean?' I looked at her and said. It's how me and my friends used to say princess back where i used to live. Sorry i won't call you it again it was an accident.'

'No, it's fine. I like it.' She smiled. 'Night lexa' she smiled and closed her eyes. I looked at her and brushed a peice of hair out of her face and whispered 'night prisa' before closing my eyes and entering the land of dreams.

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