.:Chapter 55:.

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"Zeref.." Natsu questioned with a defeated Lucy on his back.

I could tell that Natsu hidden expression, he has some kind of rivalry with Spriggan. But my biggest concern is that he said Spriggan was someone named "Zeref". Who is that "Zeref" guy anyways?

"What a--"

"(NAME)!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! GET OUT OF THERE!!" Natsu voice roared at me while Spriggan stared at us, Natsu threw Lucy into the air as Loke appeared in Natsu previous place.

The orange locks of the Lion gracefully fell as he scooped up her in a bridal fashion and gently pushed her limbs safely into his custody. While me on the other hand, Natsu already head first rushed in, in front of me as well as Spriggan as he stared into him with a menacing expression written all over his face.

"(Name)," Natsu started as I turn to him, seeing seriousness written in his eyes. Is this the real Natsu?

"What are you doing with him?" He asked as died silence followed behind that as I questioned myself. 

Why was I talking to him? I just wanted to do my business when I came down here.. So..

"Well do you know who this guy is?!" I shouted at Natsu as I pointed towards Spriggan.

"Well he's Zeref, duh." Natsu stated as his comical expression and shoulder shrugging didn't help.

"Dude. He's an--"

"Wait, HE LEFT?! I THOUGHT I COULD FIGHT HIM?! Well. Come on Loke, let's--"

"Dude they left a while ago. Just like Spriggan."

We both continued to argue on and on as we soon came in agreement. And lemme tell you this, it was pretty difficult with this dope for sure.

"Okay, we should go back to Erza and the other before they find us." I said as I started to walk towards the staircase.

"Hey! Wait up!" Natsu shouted as he charged towards me.

I sighed as I automatically stopped as I turned behind me. I swear this guy can act like a complete--


I saw Natsu crash into me as we rolled into the ground, occasionally bouncing into the air and then falling down.

"Mhm hn mm hm!" My muffled voice cursed as I felt blood rush up to my head, as my eyes counter-clockwise spun.

I couldn't see a clear image of what I was/am doing. But all I felt is heat on me and coldness below me. Wait? Heat!? I commanded my hairs to move, though they just ventured deeper towards what fluffy yet hard area they were already in. My legs pinned as another squirmed around, navigating through the sea of human flesh.

Slowly I opened my eyes to reveal a pair of lips. Lips? Oh whatever. Must be a dream. My face began to grow red as I flinch seeing onyx eyes half lidded-ly stare at me. Full of happiness, you could say. Wait.. I moved around a bit as I struggled with a pair of hands that are wrapped around me, protectedly. A silky substance sliding back and forth on my neck, not very fleshy I'm sure of but more fabric-y.

"Mho mhhn, hmmm mhu hn mnh mm mh?" A very muffled yet pretty deep voice responses to me as I look up.

HOLY JEEZ!! WRONG POSITION!! NOPE NOPE NOPE!! I recognized the position I am in and I don't like it at all. Just too, not me. I unlock my hands away from his fluffy locks, unattach-ing his arms from me, and with both hands, pushing him away from me within arms distances. I lightly panicked, not wanting to shout at all but it just came out there all at once.

"WHAT THE ACTUALLY HELL NATSU?!" I shouted as blushed profoundly.

I couldn't lie that it felt absolutely amazing. His heated lips on mine. Honestly, I would be lying if I didn't want to ask for more. It felt like I made some progress with Natsu. And I'm glad too. Though it was probably a dumb coincidence though. He pushed himself off of me, looking at the opposite direction as me, and plopped a hand in front of me. Aw.

"Here.." He mumbled as I soon made hand to hand contact with him. I felt him pull me up towards his eyes. My (e/c) irises staring at his onyx ones. I could feel the heat surging through him as he started to stare at a different direction, blushing madly. My eyes soften as I took a step closer to him. I carefully wrapped my arms around his chest as I gave him a nice carefree hug. No shit chat, no itching for a fight, just the sweet breeze of nothingness and quiet. For once in my life, I felt so loved. So alive in a way. I felt him tense up, probably because the serious matter now or how unexpected it was. But in the end, he wrapped his own, waiting on my hips.

"Well let's get going.." I started as I stood up -properly- from my spot and untangled myself. "..Or else Erza will come kill us!"

I saw that bright smile he usually wear, that toothy grin he perfected.  Absolutely fascinating for a man of his caliber. He's so wow. That's literally all I can saw about him.

"Then what are we waiting for?" He grabbed my left with his right. "Let's go!" He shouted excitingly as we dashed -well dragged- upstairs as fast as possible without killing anyone and ourselves too. After awhile of the same patterns sandy yellow wallpaper, royal blue lines -on the wallpaper- that were changed into different decorations, royal red carpet, multiple different banners, wooden old-styled door and knobs. We finally made it back, to the near entrance of the stands.


"Almost what exactly, (Name)?"

Past Royalty. (IN DEFINITE HIATUS)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن