.:Chapter 5:.

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"(Name) what happen?!" A tried voice said.

'Oh mother-' You were cut of by a screaming Happy. "Happy, you okay- HOLY! Miss L-l-lucy your hair it's, it's TOTALLY messed up Miss!" You wide eyes, screaming and bowing a bit.

"WHAT! Really?!" She said, looking for a mirror. You and Happy just nodded rapidly, scared a bit. Lucy does NOT look like herself at all! She looks like a.. Well.. rather messed up person or you couldn't tell if she was a person or a very puffed up rabbit.

Then.. she finally found a mirror and on the street, while kids were laughing. And now the puffy version of Lucy, had just turned bright red shade of blush. Happy was laughing like crazy while I just stayed there staring there at her, almost bursting out of laughter.

"Two more days till the time will arrive.. A time when Fairy Tail WILL lose one of their precious member. Soon we shall meet, (Full name).." A voice said with a twisted laughter, filling your head either.

You finch, as you're eyes widen from each word being pulled of this person's mouth.

Suddenly you were pulled into a dark street corner as both Happy and Lucy were running after you. But you realized there were two bulk men right behind then. You wanted to scream until a rapid increasing pain filled your stomach. 'Agh..' You thought as your eyes heavily fell and the resistance stopped.

'Is it gonna be over? I am going to die here and now? I wanna help but.. I am too useless now! WHAT CAN I DO!!!' I thought as tears rolled from my eyes, landing onto the surface of my shoulder pads.







'Is this really you, (Name)-chan! Come on lets continue staying alive! (Name)-chan, take my hand and RUNN!!' A familiar voice echoed in my head painfully. I turn to my fight as a young boy was standing there. He had (Color) hair, (Color) eyes, (Color) t-shirt, (Color) pants. On top of that, he looks like a particular person who I knew before..




But whoever that person is, he is giving me that encouragement that I lost a long time ago. If he believes in me, than I have to do the same! 'Aghhh!' I screamed in my head.

Finally I mustard my reminding energy into a shaky hard bite. "Ah! You stupid brat!" This man screamed on the top of his lungs. I continue holding my grip till Lucy and Happy caught up. "You damn shit! How are you a princess again?!" He shouted as he gripped my right arm and dug his claw like fingers into my skin.

I screamed loudly as my grip finally loosen fully. 'Damn, how am I this weak?!' I mentally yelled. Just like that, Happy and Lucy came running about a dust cloudy max speed. I sweat dropped. The kidnapper seem to now wanting to run away, oh great..

Although a grey-ish metallic sword swung infront of his. As he gulped slowed and loudly, he shrieked in fear. "I-i-i SOOOOO sorry-y MISS TITANIA!" He got on his knees, and bowed in front of Erza. 'Oh boy..' I thought, while sweat dropping. Since she knocked out the guy in one shoot..

"Thank you Miss. Erza, I own you one." I said, thanking her. "No problem. But can you tell me why-"

She was cut off by a.

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