.:Chapter 9:.

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Your POV:

Is was just after when we got back to the guild that I checked over the mission for myself first. Then agreeing to it.

As they packed up and I finally got a great deal for a condo. It was an amazing price of 10 000 jewels and the rent is 8 000, not bad I gotta say. It was good a brought a pouch full of jewels.

I decided to go on a mini shopping spree. I brought four different outfits.

The first outfit was a regular loose (colour) striped t-shirt, a pair of long (colour) denim jeans, matching socks to your (colour) (brand of shoes) shoes. It was a perfect size.

The second outfit was a knee length (colour) dress, a (colour) belt, a pair of (colour) (brand of heels) heels. It was too big, but it was for me when I grew up more..

The third outfit was a (colour) (brand of hat) hat, a small (colour) denim jacket with the sleeves ripped, a (colour) long sleeve shirt, a pair of half of the knee sized (colour) shorts and (colour) flats. It was a fitting size.

Finally, the last outfit was just a normal (colour) striped (colour) ankle length trench coat. It was so long, but it made you mysteries. That was why you got it, duh?

You happily smiled and neatly put the outfits away expect the first outfit. You decided to wear that. Then-

"What interesting choice of outfit, although I doubt you'll be come back alive.."

A voice said, laughing like a madman. 'He or she really is crazy. And why do I keep hear this things.. Will this actually happen.. Why is there something trying to mess with me.' I though as I wore my clothes. I quickly threw my old rags of my dress, on my new (colour) queen sized bed.

I opened the door and closed the door after that, I ran to the train station with..

A bag; It includes a (colour) sleeping bag, a few cans of food, a few bottles of spring water, a shakable can of insect repel, a (colour) towel, a small box matches, a (title of the book) book, a few of candles and the container for the candle. That was a huge amount of items.. But in your bag, which you can carry, it much it light as a bubble.

But what was on your mind was the guy-girl and.. The rent. Remember even if I am a little girl, I still pay rent.

Anyways, I ran to the train station very carefree. Showing people my kind, and happy side. Then..

"Do you realize how much time you have, till you lose. Haha! I guess enjoying what little life you have before return is fine, but once you get here.. You will, once again, never get out and become ours..


'That voice gets stranger over time.. Does that mean I am close.. or am I getting farer away.' I pondered about, as I got nearer to the train station.

I went to the train station, I saw the gang. Happy, with his green pouch he carries around his neck. Natsu with no bags and he same with Gray. Lucy, with medium pink suitcase and Erza..

Erza.. WHY?!? I mean.. she tows a abnormal amount of suitcases and bags that is like a mountain.. Using a large looking wagon. 'Damn, so you need that much power to be a S rank.. Or is that just Erza..' I though as my mind was spinning in different directions.

Lucy walked to me. "You are surprise too?" I heard Lucy say while bring my attention back. I nodded rapidly as the boys started fight.. To only be beaten up by Erza's mighty punches.

"Ow.. Well for them.." I whispered to Lucy. She nodded. As we heard the train's steam pipe blow, we quickly show our tickets, that Erza kindly brought, and sat on our seats.

As the train starts, you see Erza cracking her knuckles.. "What is Erza gonna do, Lucy-San?" I whispered and worry take over and I started to shake.

The seats we chose were on the right side of the train. Erza sitting on the near the exit to the seats and Natsu near the window. And on the opposite of the table which was, Gray who is closes to the window. Lucy who is between my and Gray. And I who was closes to the exit of the seats.

I saw a light-headed Natsu.. He became green and about to throw up, until Erza punched him square in the stomach. Knocking him unconscious.

I am totally finish if she punched me.. Lucy gave me a signal to say 'it's fine'. I let go a shaky sigh as she patted my back.

As I brought out my book, I wonder the problems we that was gonna happen. Suddenly I heard the train stop making Natsu conscience again.

Although.. I heard screaming passengers as lacrima chains were suddenly attached to everyone but me.. I tried to free Lucy but I was shocked and pinned onto the table in front my friends by a clocked figure.

"(Name)!" Lucy, Erza, Gray, Happy and Natsu screamed, trying to get out of chains. Unfortunately it wouldn't budge at all. I bit my lower lip as I heard a voice..

The same voice..

That was going through my head..


"Well is seems you finally get to meet me. The anonymous voice that was in your little pretty head of yours. "But unfortunately it is the last time you will see your friends.." The person said, laugh at me.

"So pack your bags princess, we are heading out, now.."

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