Chapter Five

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Vern's POV

Over the next two days Merlin felt slightly off, like he wasn't himself. I am certain something happened with Morgana and Morgause that he isn't telling me. I believe there to be more too it, I just not sure how to bring it up in conversation with him.

I'm on edge. After Merlin told me about the guy that attacked him...I began to wonder if I am putting Merlin in a lot of danger being here with him. Getting in the way. I am adding more stress and worry he just does not need right now.

Merlin said the threat sounded real enough but I have no idea how I am going to pay all the money back within two weeks, I have a very slim chance of giving him what he wants but if we do not...he is going to do everything in his power to make not only me suffer, Merlin and the Kingdom.

I have not told Arthur. Merlin has not either. We want to try figure this out on our own first. I agreed with Merlin but it does not help at all as I am still on edge and very worried.

I am still working in the kitchens helping to pay my way, helping Gaius have enough money to feed me too. I bet he finds it almost weird there being not only Merlin but me now. If he does, he does not show it well. He seems pretty happy if I am quite honest.

"Vern have you finished chopping the onions yet? The shew needs to go out in thirty minutes and if it isn't Arthur will have my head!" she shouts.

"Nearly!" I shout.


I finish chopping the onions and pop them into the pot before she starts to cook it. Normally you leave it over night to soak in the juices but no time for that today.

Not like I no much about cooking still but I am beginning to and I am enjoying it, which I thought I never would.

"Vern," says Merlin standing at the door. His eyes look red, dark black bags under them and if I know Merlin well enough he must of been up all night.

I walk over to him at the door, "Merlin are you alright? What is wrong?" I ask him concerned.

He looks at me and sighs, "I did not sleep all night and I am rushed off my feet today...and I feel strange, ill but at the same time its different. My eyes really hurt," he tells me.

"You need to rest Merlin. Whatever happened with Morgause and Morgana has not helped. May I have a break?" I ask the cook.

She looks at me and then at Merlin and nods, "Sure go ahead. I can deal with this just be back soon to help me make sure its all prepared for the servants to serve it," she tells me.

"Of course," I say before I put my arm around Merlin and we walk out the kitchen and up the stairs and towards Arthur's chambers.

"Where are we going?" he asks me.

"To tell Arthur your not well and need rest. I am certain he will understand," I tell him.

"Today is important," he begins.

"I know but your health is important too," I say softly to him.

"Maybe," he trails off.

I look at him confused but I continue on down the corridor until we arrive outside Arthur's chambers. I knock loudly and wait quietly.

"Come in!" calls Arthur.

We walk into the room. "Vern what a surprise, I was not expecting to see you until later on."

Arthur knew I be working right now in the kitchens.

"Well sire I took a break because Merlin is not feeling very well," I tell him.

Arthur looked at me and then his eyes fell on Merlin. Merlin was trying to put on a brave face but I could see right through it and so could Arthur.

"I noticed you did not seem like yourself earlier and I know I have been tough on you today. You are looking terrible. Maybe you should...take the afternoon off if you feel like you need it," says Arthur looking from Merlin to me and then back again.

"I feel like I would probably be alright but I am not sure," says Merlin softly.

"I am going to take him back to Gaius's maybe Gaius will have something for him. You sure it will be alright for him to miss the feast?" I ask him.

"Of course. I can survive one feast without Merlin I am sure," he says looking at Merlin.

"Thank you," says Merlin before I lead him out the room and head straight towards Gaius's.

Merlin's POV

I lay on my bed, head pounding, ears aching and my eyes stinging. I keep my eyes tight shut trying to let sleep take over but it never seems to come. After a while of silence in my bed, in darkness my eyes tightly closed I began to feel angry.

Angry with myself for being ill. Angry at Morgana and Morgause...angry at Vern for taking me to Arthur to get the afternoon off for me. I feel so stupid.

Tears came to the surface of my eyes but I force them away. I drag myself away from my bed and through the castle and I did not stop until I made it outside Camelot.

Something is calling to me. Begging for me to find it. Something magical but what? Why would I follow it without a second thought? I can't seem to stop myself even if I try pull away I just can't.

Each step I took it hurt, each step made me feel less closer to my friends within Camelot, less part of the kingdom and more like a stranger to it but I am not sure why.

I stop in the middle of the woods, night had finally came leaving darkness all around apart from the moon like creaking in through the branches.

I stand outside a wooden hut. Cobwebs scattered across the front of it but yet something is in there. It's calling to me. I step towards it and pull open the door cobwebs falling onto me but I don't seem to really care at all.

I step inside and the door slams right behind me. "Merlin," I hear faint whispers now.

"Who is there?" I ask hoping for an answer.

" know you want too."

I did not understand but I walk towards the voice in the corner of the wooden hut and find a stone on a small table. I look down at the stone, "Use me...just one touch and your life will be better. Please," it seems to beg me now. Begging to be used, it tempting me to touch it but yet I want to touch it.

I can not resist it.

I place my hand around it. Burst of magic spread through me forcing me back me falling on my back. This black mist begins to swarm around me. "Merlin you good boy! You won't regret this!" he hisses at me as the black mist swarms around me making me begin to choke, I can not breathe.

Darkness takes over after that, a nightmare of blood, dogs, horses and men all dying and leaving the blood stains on the floor in front of me and I did not cry or scream or seem to care...


Not edited!!!!

Merlin: Turned to the Dark side (Sequel to Evil Twin)Where stories live. Discover now