Chapter Ten

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Arthur's POV

I find myself sitting on my bed hands shaking. I look at the blood that covers my clothes. My sword also still has blood on it and I had dropped it by the door as I had came in. I still can't quite believe what had happened but it has happened.

I stabbed Merlin. I stabbed him and then begged for him to be himself again. Push the evil away and be the Merlin I once came to care for but maybe I would never care for the young man ever again.

He nearly killed Vern and me. He nearly killed us with that sword but more importantly he nearly killed me with his magic. I can't quite relive the moments in my head right now. All I keep seeing over and over as he raised his hand and shouted a spell so loud it pieced my ears but more importantly made me cry to myself for almost an hour after he had vanished right in front of my eyes.

Vern...he is recovering but I am certain Vern knew all along about his magic and what if Vern has magic? They are twins right? Would they have practiced the same magic? Maybe not they only came into each others lives recently but there is always a risk he does and would he continue to keep it from me and lie if he does?

Probably. After my reaction to Merlin. I still care about Merlin but yet I have this strong feeling in my gut calling him a lying traitor but is that really the Merlin I know? No its not.

I am so confused and lost for words about this all. I stink of sweat, look half dead with blood all over me and my servant, a man I had came to trust is gone. Whether he has magic or not the Merlin I once knew is no longer inside that body or is deep down he can not escape. Have to do something. Whether I hate the fact that he has magic.

I have to do something.

Vern's POV

I woke shaking. I awoke afraid and terrified with what would be to come. Gaius tried to comfort me but yet I saw a part of him hate me. I had failed. I may have lost Merlin forever and now Arthur knows. Arthur knows Merlin has magic. It is all about to change.

I have to do something but what?

Will Arthur trust me now? Will he hate me? Will he believe I have magic too.

I am tired, hurt inside and out and my twin brother may be lost for good. I am not sure I can take it much longer.

Arthur storms into Gaius's chamber making Gaius and I jump at the same time. "Sire you nearly gave me a heart attack," Gaius states.

"I am sorry Gaius but I need to speak to you both. Both of you knew of Merlin's magic did you not?"

Gaius sighs before he looks at Arthur. "I am afraid sire. I knew all along. He was born with magic and that was not his fault. He does not deserve to be judged on that alone or executed. I choice to protect him with my life," Gaius says.

"I expected nothing else of you Gaius. Vern?"

"He is my twin. I came to know of his abilities a little while after I came to know him as my brother. I could not let you know his secret but sire," I begin.

"Do you have magic?"

I did not wish to lie to Arthur. Too much of that has gone on for long enough. "I have magic, sire," I finally say.

He nods his head, "I thought you might. Gaius is there anything that can get our Merlin back?"

"Well sire there could be...hold on you still want to help Merlin?"

"Of course I do Gaius. He is my friend. All this magic business can he dealt with when it needs to me. Merlin is lost and consumed. We have to save him whatever the cost," Arthur says.

"Alright then sire. There is one thing that can be done. But Vern's magic will be needed will have to travel to the isle of the blessed with Merlin to perform the spell. It will be your last chance to stop the spirit from consuming him forever. If you can not...Merlin will be lost forever."


Hi guys

Short chapter.

Try make next one longer.

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Merlin: Turned to the Dark side (Sequel to Evil Twin)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora