Chapter Eleven

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Vern's POV

Trying to find Merlin had come extremely difficult. Arthur and I looked for days. We got no one else involved in such a task. We have to do this on our own. We can not risk anyone else. Arthur had been clear on that, more then I had. We have to do this alone.

Its the third day, nearly night. We are certain we will have to make camp for the night soon. The light is almost completely faded away. We round the next corner and suddenly we hear movement from behind us.

I turn quickly alert and ready for anything. "You are not going to kill me are you?" asked a familiar voice.

It is Gwaine. "What the bloody hell are you doing here!" snaps Arthur sword at the ready still.

"You have been gone three days sire. Your father worries. I was also worried. What are you doing?" he asks.

"Its not down to you Gwaine. You do not wish to be involved. I got against everything my dad has taught me to save a young man I have come to care for. I would be a prat to deny it any longer," Arthur whispers.

"Who? Why is Merlin not with you. I am certain this is Vern," he points to me.

I nod, "Yes I am Vern. If Merlin is not here then you must already begin to know who Arthur is speaking about. He could help us Arthur. He is here now," I say to him.

"Your right. He is here now. He is involved, if I like it or not. Merlin, we are looking for Merlin. You know he has not been himself. He isn't. He has be consumed by a very powerful magic and spirit. It has control of him and we only have one chance to save him or he is lost forever."

"What how has this happened?"

"We have no idea. All I do know is. Through all of this. Merlin and Vern's secret has come to light."

"What secret?" Gwaine asks quickly.

"They have magic."

Gwaine looked at Arthur and then to me. I nod to let him know he speaks the truth. "I have not had time to explain much to Arthur or why I never told you. Maybe you hate me right now but I never practiced magic. Not to begin with," I try and explain.

"No time to talk about this now. Gwaine we have to find Merlin but be warned he will be armed and dangerous. We must give this to him. It will knock him out long enough for us to get him to the isle of the blessed," Arthur tells him holding out a little bottle of liquid.

Gwaine nods, "Anything to save him. You are right. Magic or not we have to save him. We can worry about everything else later," says Gwaine softly.

"We must keep looking time is not on our side."

Arthur's POV

I dived to the ground as the arrow hit into the tree I had just been standing by. I duck the best I can and take a deep breath.

Oh Merlin please we need to save you. Fight it. Help us!

Suddenly I hear a yell of pain which sounded a lot like either Merlin or Vern. "Vern!" I shout his name loud.

"It is okay sire. Merlin is a sleep," Vern's voice pieces through the silence.

I get up and head over to where I see Vern and Merlin on the ground. Merlin is a sleep but he is hurt and Vern is alright but he had a small wound on his arm.

"You alright?"

"I am fine, sire. Do you think we can make it in time?" he now asks me pleading with his own eyes to convince him this is going to work out alright.

Merlin: Turned to the Dark side (Sequel to Evil Twin)Where stories live. Discover now