Chapter Twelve

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Merlin's POV

For a while I had felt nothing. I just seemed to be consumed by darkness and unhappiness. Everything seemed to become slow and blare. Nothing felt normal or right any more.

It had only been those few seconds as I heard the enchanted words I felt something. Something warm and something powerful fill me up. I saw Arthur, Vern and someone women I did not know.

I heard my own screams fill the air, the isle of blessed. I had recognized it as my eyes became my own again. I felt pain, sorrow and shock. This pain ripping through my very body but I knew I had began to take control again. My own screams seemed to piece my very soul until darkness took over once more.

Arthur's POV

I open my eyes slowly. Light seemed to hit my eyes and blind me for a few moments. "You are awake sire," I hear Gwaine's voice.

"I am. What happened?" I ask slightly confused at all that has happened lately. Its all a bit jumbled up inside me right now. I can not be certain what is real and what is not.

I am laying on my bed. I am back in Camelot. How had I come to be here?

"Merlin he is back. He is recovering but he will make a full recovery. So have you, sire. Vern and I brought you and Merlin back to Camelot as soon as I woke up," he explains to me.

I nod my head, "That is really good news. I am glad Merlin is going to be okay. For a moment I really feared it was all over," I whisper.

"I think we all did. When you are feeling better you can go and see Merlin and Vern," he smiles patting me on the shoulder.

"I will. Thank you Gwaine."

For the next two days I stayed in my room. I had a young man serve me my food and I had visits from my father and Gwen. All I kept thinking about was how I would be able to face Vern and Merlin. I need to tell them my thoughts on their magic. What do I really think? All I really know is, they are not evil. But can I trust them? Can I keep this all from my father?

My father had not been too pleased on what had happened but he does not know the whole story and he will never know. That would be kept a secret from him but what else? Can I continue to lie to him to protect my friends?

Vern's POV

"Vern," Merlin whispers.

I sit up from falling a sleep on the chair next to Merlin's bed. I look right at him and smile, "Merlin its good to hear your voice as yourself."

"I thought I would never be able to take control again," Merlin says as he coughs violently.

"How are you feeling?" I ask.

"Terrible," he says half smiling.

"I thought you would be. It will get better. Merlin he knows now," I tell him deciding its best to let him know straight away.

"Who knows what?" he asks confused.

"Arthur knows of our magic," I tell him.

Merlin looks at me his eyes slightly wide, "He does? What did he say? Does he hate us? What is he going to do? Did he know before he helped us? Wait did he help you at all in saving me?"

"Merlin I," I go to say but I cut short as someone steps into Merlin's room, its Arthur.

"Whether I found out about your biggest secret I could not deny how I have come to care for you, Merlin. Of course I did all I can to save you. I have thought long and hard on what I have come to know. Yet the decisions I thought I would find easy are not. Yet I know you or Vern mean me no harm," he says softly.

Merlin: Turned to the Dark side (Sequel to Evil Twin)Where stories live. Discover now