arguing outside of school

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I sat on the three brick high wall in front of the local pub.
I was early, the school gates hadn't even opened. I made the mistake of letting my mind wander and found it wandered right over to a particular rude stalker boy with hair more red than a traffic light.
I knew what school he went too, if it was close enough for me to bump into him walking home he obviously went to Nickenbury collage. A fancy school that held ages from nursery to collage. It was huge, drowning our school by masses amounts of buildings.
Why didn't I go there? It was way way way to expensive. Whoever his parents are they must be very rich.

I guess that solves the mystery of where his bad attitude and rudeness came from.
Spoilt brat.

" Stalker.."

" Mm?"

" Whatever... WAIT WHAT?!!" I yelled and fell over the Wall backwards. Nice. Real dignified.
I shot back up and dusted myself off.
" You?AGAIN?"
" Hey! You think I want to consistently bump into you?''
"You know, accounting how many times Its happed, I'm starting to consider it."
"Listen here princess-"
" Don't call me princess!"
"- you are incredibly annoying-"
" Oh trust me, after meeting you, I've seen worse-"
"- oh don't start with me-"
" You think I want to waste my breath on you-"
"- will you shut up for one second?!-"
I pushed him back towards the road, he narrowly avoided a van pulling out in front of him.
Unfortunately, he wasn't ran over. The thing I was worried about was the fact my head teacher saw the whole thing. As the van pulled away, she was shown. Glaring at me from across the road.

*** **
" Ms Arianna I watched you push that boy into the path of an oncoming vehicle. Correct?"
"Well, I mean... Technically, sort of..." I mumbled.
"That child could of been seriously injured.''
"Well, actually he was the one who-"
The woman stopped me, holding her palm up.
"Enough. Roxanne I'm giving you a lunch time DT, I expect you there. Understood? And if I see you do anything like that again. There will be trouble, I will contact your parents."

True, we weren't the poshest school, but we were certainly the the strictest. I wasn't even in school and I get detection.
I blame stalker boy.

Stalker( Human Foxyxmangle)Where stories live. Discover now