making friends...more or less

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"F...Foxy? He won't happen to have red hair.... Would he? Green eyes, quite irritating? Always wears a red hoodie with fox ears?"
I asked, hoping that for some reason someone out there hated their kids enough to call them something as ridiculous as Foxy.
Kat stared innocently at me.
" Yeah. We're actually friends with him. He's funny, not to mention cute."
I blushed. "Uh, isn't it like...Lunch or something.... Shouldn't we like, go outside?'' Really I just felt overly hot suddenly and needed fresh air.
"OH! yes yes! Come on let's go!" The bouncy brunette grabbed my wrist and tugged me through the big gates. The gardens were gorgeous, green grass and trees were all around. With flowers and benches, and little pathways here and there. Right in the middle of two crossing paths stood a beautiful white stone fountain.
" Feel free to look around! I have to go grab something I left inside!" Said Kat, before running off back to the main building.
I walked around, glancing at the many structures and children.
From behind me I heard a large THUNK and a harsh laugh.
I spun to see a group of boys, viciously tormenting a small creature I couldn't identify. The thing was clearly terrified, running from one end of the roof to another, while the boys threw stones and yelled rudely at it. Eventually, on of them hit it, the thing stumbled back, and then.... It fell...

Suddenly something barged past me at an incredible speed, tripping over my foot and was sent flying into the concrete. It caught the animal in its hands.
After my vision cleared I saw it was a girl. She had long straight brown hair, it hung in front of her face like a protective curtain. She was small and painfully thin, she'd ripped her black tights and was bleeding, her uniform dirty and her bag thrown open, spilling her books and equipment. Though the girl didn't seem to care. All she seemed to care about was the shivering animal in her cupped hands.

I heard shouts from behind me, I turned to see three girls running towards the scene.
One of the girls I recognised instantly. It was Kat. Next to her was a round faced girl with blonde hair, she was almost dirty blonde, but not quite. Her eyes were a pretty blue colour. Besides her was another girl. She was dark skinned and had, at first glance, black hair. But on closer inspection was in fact a dark red, urban colour. It shone red in some parts where the light hit it. Her eyes were dark brown.
The blonde girl and dark haired girl ran straight past me, and to the smaller student behind me. But Kat stopped.
" Roxy! Hi!"
Suddenly I snapped back into reality and dove to the ground to help the person off the ground.
" I'm so sorry!" I cried. " I didn't mean to trip you!"
The girl looked up behind her hair and blushed.
"It...It's fine." Her voice was small and fragile, almost a whisper.
" Nah, she just tripped over the air!" Called one of the boys over their shoulder as they walked away.
" No no! Your bleeding, let me help you." I insisted, together with the blonde girl we hoisted her off the path.
The girl, what was it those girls called her? Angel? Refused to let the animal go, up close I saw it was a cute, fluffy baby bird. It appeared to have a damaged wing where the boy had hit it, it stuck out awkwardly.
In the end Kat took it from Angel so we could prop her up on our shoulders.
" We'll take her back to the room, you okay Ange'?" Said the girl with pretty hair.
Angel nodded.
Suddenly Kat let out a gasp, almost dropping the bird causing Angel to jolt tomards it, ready to catch it again.
" I didn't introduce you Roxy!"
" Okay, that's Rose," she pointed to the blonde helping me with Angel. "You've probably figured out that's Angel. And she's Danielle though we call her Danny." She pointed to the dark skinned girl.
"Guys this is Roxanne!"

Kat led us through a load of hallways, all fancy and populated by small groups of students of all ages. The boys all wore suits, matching ties.
Eventually we came to some stairs.
" Oh, I guess I didn't think about getting angel upstairs." Whined Kat, figure to her mouth like a child.
Rose frowned," Angel how bad are your knees?"
"Uh, there okay. Um, hows the bird?" She answered.
We all knew this wasn't true. The way she went down I was surprised she didn't brake anything. She'd hit her mouth on the concrete, biting her tongue and hitting her teeth. She'd scraped the skin of her chin as well. Her thin tights where in rags now, stuck to the dried blood and dirt on her legs, her elbows where scraped but her long sleeves had protected them most. Her legs were awful, how she wasn't crying I don't know. There was basically no skin left and the sharp smoothe stones had cut into her skin like butter, slicing them open and covering her in blood.
I'm sure though, that once the blood was gone it would mostly only be small cuts that had made it look worse than it actually was. It going to be sore though. Very, very sore.

It took all four of us to get her up the steps, we got very strange looks from students around. Could we really blame them?
A new kid with colourful hair, supporting another girl that looked like she'd come off the set from 'Carrie' with a person with cat ears and an injured baby bird. Yeah, I don't blame them for staring.
When we got to the room Angel sat on the bed opposite mine. The bed was covered in Pokamon cushions. Next to hers was what i guessed was Roses, it had one large pillow displaying a group of horses playing and running in a field.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to work out the bed next to mine was Kats. It was so covered in pillows that screamed her, I wasn't sure if it were possible to sit on it.
As Danny bustled around the bathroom and Angel, the white room door opened.
And, striding in with a uniform suit, was Foxy.
"Hey girls! I saw Ange' was hurt what happened-" His gaze landed on me." .........."
The room fell silent, everyone frozen.
He straightened​ out." Alright. First things first..." He threw his arms up,"what the heck happened to your hair!?"
"Uh, the school doesn't allow hair dye, so I hid it..." I mumbled, flicking my bleach blonde hair up to reveal the bright pinks and purples hidden under it.
Foxy nodded.
" And second, not that I'm not overjoyed at the new opportunities to annoy you with my good looks... But what the heck are you doing here?!"

Stalker( Human Foxyxmangle)Where stories live. Discover now