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Kian's POV

"Jc! Hurry we have to make a video!" I shouted.

"Shut up! I'm coming!" He shouted back at me. I turned back to the camera to make sure it was charged. I didn't want it to die in the middle of the video.

"Okay. I'm here." He said, walking into the room.

"Damn bro, what took so long?" I asked.

"Me and Lia were arguing." He said.

"Again?" I asked.

"Yeah. I don't know what her deal's been lately. She's been acting different." He said, looking down at the ground. I got up and put my arm around his shoulder.

"It'll be okay dude. I know how you feel." I said, reminiscing about Andrea. We broke up and couple of weeks ago. I still think about her from time to time. I loved her, but apparently she didn't feel the same.

"So what's the video going to be about dude?" He asked.

"It's gonna be a challenge video dude." I said.

"What kind of challenge video dude?" He asked.

"Waxing your best friend challenge dude." I said.

"That sounds painful." He said.

"I know. It's awshum dude." I said.

"Anything for our fans." Jc said, walking outside.

"Well we wouldn't be here today without them." I said.

"I know." He said. I picked up the camera and we went outside. We set up the camera and started the video.

"What's up guys? Its Kian." I looked over at Jc.

"And I'm Jc." He said.


"Jc! Look what you did to my hair!" I shouted at Jc. I now have a bald spot.

"What dude? It was funny." He said, laughing. I wasn't laughing. He noticed I wasn't amused.

"Okay dude. Look, I really am sorry. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?" He asked.

"Not at the moment, but I'll think of something." I said, walking to my room. I sat down at my computer, editing and later posting the video. While the video was processing, I checked my Twitter and read through a bunch of tweets. One tweet in particular stood out to me.

//JadeElizabeth// kianlawley I miss you best friend :)

"Hey Jc!" I yelled, looking at the tweet. It was Jade. We haven't talked since I left a year ago. I've wanted to get in touch with her, but so much has happened since then. She was my first love.

"What? What's wrong?" Jc came running through the door.

"Look." I shoved my phone screen in his face.

"Aye, Jade." He said. My phone made a noise, signifying I had another tweet.

//JadeElizabeth// averylynn And I love you guys kianlawley & jccaylen I hope we can catch up sometime. We miss you like crazy.

//AveryLynn// I especially miss jccaylen ;)

I showed Jc the tweet and his face lit up with a huge smile. I know he still had feelings for Avery, but with Lia in the way I don't know if anything can happen between them.

"Dude, we should bring them out here." Jc said.

"Dude, I would love to, but I don't think that's the best idea." I said,

"Why?" He asked.

"I just broke up with Andrea. I'm still getting over her. I had major feelings for Jade. You know how I felt about her. I don't think it would be a good idea for her to be here with Andrea around." I said. The feelings for Jade are already coming back, just from a tweet. Imagine if she was actually here. But I need to see her..

"Kian. Please. This might be my only chance with Avery. I miss her so much. Plus, you and Jade can catch up, maybe even become a thing. Please." I thought about it for a while. I want Jade here more than anything in the world.

"That offer from earlier. You have to make this up to me." I pointed to the back of my head.

"Anything. I'll do anything." He said.

"Admit that your hair looks like a hairy vagina." Jc's face got red.

"Really dude?" I crossed my arms and waited for him to say it. He let out a big sigh.

"My hair looks like a hairy vagina." He said, putting his hood over his face. I loved embarrassing him.

"Alright. We'll bring them out here." Jc ran to his room to get his phone. I picked mine up and sent a tweet.

//KianLawley// JadeElizabeth Hey Beautiful. Haven't seen you in a while. I miss you. Me and Jc are going to fly you and Avery out to Cali. I can't wait to see you.

Our Friendship {Kian Lawley & Jc Caylen}Where stories live. Discover now