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Avery's POV

"Babe! We have to leave in a few minutes. Our plane is going to leave without us." I said, shouting throughout the apartment.

"Over my dead body. I'll just hop on the back of the plane and ride on the wing." She said. I laughed.

"Do you have everything you need?" I asked.

"Let's see..clothes, shoes, hair essentials, under garments, the misfits muscle tee he gave me junior year. The stuffed teddy bear he won for me at a carnival sophomore year. Yep, that's everything." She said, checking a second time.

"Alright, let's see if I have everything." I said, checking my bag. My face immediately turned to a frown as I noticed I forgot something.

"Are you ready?" She asked.

"Hold on. I forgot something." I said, running back up to our room. I searched under my covers and behind my bed and there it was. The stuffed turtle with the custom made 'My first turn on is turtles' T-shirt Jc gave me for my birthday Junior Year. I grabbed it and ran back downstairs.

"Now are you ready?" She asked me.

"Yes! Let's go!" I said, and we walked out the door and drove to the airport.


Jc's POV

"Jc dude, calm yourself." Kian said to me, but I couldn't think straight. My angel is coming today. I couldn't be more happy to see her.

"I get to see my baby girl...I get to see my baby girl.." I started singing.

"Somebody's excited." Kian said, making me blush.

"Shut up dude. Of course I'm excited. I love her." I said.

"I'm in love with her.." I said, a little quieter.

"I know dude. What are you going to do about Lia?" Kian asked.

"I'm probably going to break up with her." I said, confident in my words. I'm in love with Avery, not Lia.

"When?" He asked.

"She's coming today." He said.

"I know. I need time to think about how I'm going to do this." I said. I had strong feelings for Lia at one point. I don't want to sound like a heartless monster, but I wouldn't call it 'love'. What I have with Avery, that's love. I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I answered it.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey babe." She said, it was Lia.

"Wanna come hang out at my place? We can Netflix and Chill.. If you know what I mean." She asked me.

"I can't. I'm going to the airport." I told her hesitantly, kind of not wanting her to know. I know she'll make a big deal out of it.

"Why?" She asked.

"I have a long time friend coming over for a few days." I said.

"Is this friend a girl?" She said, a little sassy. More than a little.

"Yeah. She's one of my best friends from school." I said.

"Is she prettier than me?" She asked.

"Umm.." I didn't know what to say. I think Avery is stunning. Breathtakingly beautiful.

"Jc?!" She screamed through the phone.

"What?" I asked, a little louder.

"I forbid you from doing this. I don't trust her." She said. I was getting angry. She has no idea what me and Avery have.

"You can't tell me what to do." I said.

"I can to. I'm your girlfriend." She said. I'd had enough.

"Actually Lia, not anymore." I was cut off by her.

"What? You're really leaving me for that skank? Are you serious Jc?" She said.

"How can you say that about her? You don't even know her!" I said.

"Good bye Lia. Forever." I said, hanging up the phone. I was in shock at what just happened. Kian came over and stood in front of me.

"You okay bro?" He asked.

"I'm frantastic. Let's go pick up our ladies." I said, Kian laughing and reaching to open the door. We walked to the car and headed to the airport.


Kian's POV

Me and Jc were waiting for Jade and Avery at the airport. My thoughts were going a mile a minute, my stomach was in knots and my heart was aching for her touch. I checked my watch, they should be here by now. I watched the stairs, waiting for her walk down them at any moment. Then, I saw her. Her strawberry blonde hair, her beautiful freckles, and her hazel eyes that I got lost in. I shot up from my seat and ran to her.

"Jade!" I screamed. She turned around, her face lite up and she smiled. Her smile could brighten up my whole day.

"Kian!" She ran to me. I held my arms out and she jumped in them, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist. I spun her around a few times and held her.

"I missed you so much.." She said, crying into the crook of my neck.

"I missed you too baby girl, you have no idea. Not a day went by that I didn't think of you." I said. She looked up and crashed her lips into mine. Oh how I missed the feeling of her lips pressed against mine. We both stopped to breathe and I pressed my forehead against hers.

"I love you so much." I said, I between breaths.

"I love you too Kian. Words cannot describe how madly In love with you I am." She said, I had the biggest smile on my face. I pecked lips before letting her down.

"Are you mine?" I asked.

"I want to be yours." She said.

"I'm yours if you'll have me." I said.

She smiled and crouched down so she could hop on my back. I carried her all the way back to where Jc and I were sitting. He was having a moment with Avery.

Avery's POV

"Hey baby girl." He said, kissing me in the forehead.

"H-hi.." I said, stuttering a little. I can't believe he's standing right in front of me. I buried my face in his chest. I missed his touch. I missed his smell. I missed him. He put his hands on my waist, moving them up and down and rested them on my lower back. I got cold chills.

"Are you cold?" He asked me, I shook my head yes. He took off his flannel and wrapped it around me.

"Thanks." I said, blushing.

"You don't have to be shy baby girl. It's just me." He said, I felt bad.

"I'm sorry. It's just been so long." I said.

"I know. We have a lot of catching up to do." He said, winking at me. I blushed even harder and he cracked up.

"I missed you so much." I said.

"I missed you too baby girl." He said, bending down to my height.

"So, so much." He said. He looked me in the eyes than back at my lips. He leaned in and kissed me and the tingling sensation I felt, was real.

Our Friendship {Kian Lawley & Jc Caylen}Where stories live. Discover now