3. Transferring

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Magical time skip back at zoeys house

Well we are back at home I told the guys I'm going to bed as one does when they want to be alone just as I walk upstairs kian says "zoey I'm gonna be looking after you for 4 weeks mom won't be back till them and guess what the boys are staying with us'' they all start cheering I ignore them I go to my room I walk threw the closet to the bathroom and take a shower do all the stuff you need to do I put my hair in a high pony tail then put black ripped jeans on get a black vest top on then I put an o2l jumper on I grab my black boots and some money I was about to climb out the window when I heard someone sit on my bed and say "classic climbing out the window to where I ask" Sam I turn round "well you caught me what are gonna do tell kian" I spat "no need to be rude zoey just your staying here" Sam says "your not in charge of me" I say "well your ten I'm nineteen so yeah" Sam says "just leave me alone" I say "zoey" he says "what" I reply "give me a hug" he says before I knew it I was running over to him and hugging him so tight I've been needing a hug like that for a long time "so you left your phone downstairs and cause you don't have passcode you were on your dms and we looked at the recent one" Sam says I let go and stand up "that's my phone you guys shouldn't be on it " I yell "hey zoey come here" he says "why'' I say he pulls up my sleeves "clean for now" he says oh he means cutting I would never do that even when times are tough I would never cut "hey zoey wanna make a video with us six" Sam says "no" I reply then he fireman carrys me downstairs and drops me on the couch "she said yes" Sam said "uh uh I said no" I snap "well your doing it anyway" jc says "anything for you" I say smiling sweetly but I'm being sarcastic and he knows it "zoey" Kian says nudging me "whatever'' I say I know I should be all fun and bouncy and happy cause I'm ten I am small for my age cause I can pass as a seven year old but I'm just annoyed I'll be better tomorrow

Time skip to Monday

So I'm now awake the guys are still staying with me and kian I'm in a better mood but the thought of school makes me what to throw up so I got to the bathroom do what I need to do and I walk downstairs wearing my black leggings a crop top that says messy hair don't care I have my hair down and I'm wearing black converses Sam and jc are downstairs I go right to the kitchen "hey weirdo" Sam yells as I walk out the kitchen I sit next to him and say "living with you makes me realise how much I hate you" I say "you love me" Sam says "I know" I reply kissing his cheek jc is holding his heart saying "awwww" I walk over to him and kiss his cheek then it was Sams turn to say awww honestly these boys then the rest of the boys come down "hey dumbo" Trevor says "excuse me" I say sassily "I give her the sass" ricky yells from the kitchen then kian picks me up "zoey I have good news" he says "what there all leaving" I say exited "they all start shouting at me "guys I'm joking geez" I say "your moving school" Kian's says my face went happy to sad in 2 seconds "um um what school" I say kian put me down and says "gatebrick middle school" while walking kitchen "isn't that amazing zoey" Conner says walking past me and onto the couch "um..... it's great" I say with no emotion I should be happy getting away from the bullies but ehh I did have friends there but I can make new ones but its hard for me to make new friends because of my anxiety "hey zoey you okay you haven't been moving your just staring at the wall" kian says "I'm great" I say "I'm just a bit nervous" I say a bit my emotions where literally running round inside of me screaming code red so yeah "zoey you'll do great" kian says "I'm gonna go upstairs" I say walking up stairs I could run away by climbing out my window and never come back or I could face the new school a big part of me wanted to climb out the window but I decided not to I grab my phone and walk downstairs everyone is staring at me as I come down they all look concerned "hey zoey I need to talk to you" kian says he dragged me into the kitchen "what's up" I say I'm in a bit of a better mood now "well I was kinda um... talking to the guys.... and this is pretty funny really I kinda said....I'm that you getpainicattacksandanxiety" he says "what was the last part" I ask "I told them that you get anxiety and panic attacks" he says "kian now there gonna treat me differently why would you do that" I yell "it just kinda slipped out" he said scratching the back of his neck "it just slipped out nah nah that is no excuse" I yell and walk out i grab my bag and yell "I'm walking" no reply thanks so much kian it's not gonna be the same anymore I look up the school on google maps

At the school

It was a 8 minute walk I arrived just in time I go to the office and get my time table I also got a locker it's seems like I'm the only one in the hall oh there's a boy next to my locker I put some stuff in it like these massive binders I have uhhhhhh "hey I'm euan" the boy next to me says "sup I'm zoey" I reply "your new right" euan says "yup do you know where mrs gates English class is" I ask "yeah I have her as well wait we have the same form teacher'' He says "high five" I say we both laugh as we high five I closed my locker and we talked a lot on the way to English he has strawberry blonde hair that's spiked up and he's good looking damn "hey we have all the same classes together" he says "whooo" I say

At lunch

Me and euan are walking to lunch we both bought are own as we walk "hey so we are gonna be sitting with my friends joe and Daniel and aiden as I sit down next to euan a blonde boy brunette and ginger walks up to are table and sits down we all talked for a bit now with bezzies

At the end of the day

I'm walking back from school I open the door to my house and nobody's there

My brother ( kian lawely ) book 1Where stories live. Discover now