4. I knew it

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"Hello" I yell through the house I shut the door and walk around I go to the kitchen there was a note on the fridge me and the guys are out we will be back later I kicked the fridge bad move that hurt so much I knew it the guys will never treat me the same again just cause of my anxiety I walk up the stairs now could be a great time to climb out the window I can't but I can so i change into my black shorts and my o2l t- shirt gotta give my brother that promo and tie a black hoodie round my waist everything was quite baggy on me since I was skinny but I'm not trying to show off because I like have this thing where it's impossible for me to gain wait so people think I'm starved but trust me I'm not I put on my black converses and grab my phone and a some money what I could get hungry so instead of walking out the door I climb out my window there's a drainpipe I can climb down on so once I'm down I start walking where to go I think I could go to the shop might as well as I walk in I start looking for marshmallows I've been craving them when I was about to grab them I felt to hands round my waist I turn my head to see euan "omg you scared me" I say laughing he starts laughing as well "what are you doing here" I ask him "well I climbed out my window cause nobody's was home" he says letting go of my waist "you are joking" I say "nope" he replied "I honestly did the same thing" I say "no you didn't " he says "I did" I say laughing he joins in he then picks out lucazade and we both pay as we walk out the shop euan carrying the bag with are shopping we link arms but its defiantly just a bestfriend thing I mean like he's good looking and all but I haven't go to that next level with him yet yeah yet I'm hoping I will I'm mean he's nice not a jerk but I met him today so I'll get to know him more we walk to the park still linking arms when people started shouting at us saying things like kiss or whooo because they must of thought we where in a relationship "follow my lead" I say to him he nods so I kiss his cheek people start saying on the lips so I turn round and kiss his lips and he kisses back damn boy we stop and smile at each other "lets go" I say "yeah" he says we link arms and carry on walking "forget about the park come to my place" euan says "yeah" let's go" I say smiling next level accomplished I think

My brother ( kian lawely ) book 1Where stories live. Discover now