All alone?

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(Y/N P.O.V)
"Mommy! Daddy! Big brother!"

Ashes flow through the wind. They sky filled black with smoke.

"M-mommy....... D-d-daddy? B-big brother?"

Sobbing into my hands. I lay on the ground weeping heavily.

"W-why me?"

Picking myself off the ground i head to town. Still crying my heart out. (Your 5 by the way..) I limp my way to town which wasn't far. I fall on the ground grabbing my foot that had been broken two days before all this. I couldn't run, and walking was a pain in the butt. I stand up catching my balance and limp over to a bush with beautiful white flowers. I sit beside them sill sobbing. Hair covering my face. My clothes sort of burnt from the fire. Dirty from falling over, I looked homeless. People would walk by just staring at me. Not helping a poor 5 year old losing her mind. Sitting there still trying to calm down, I hear a sweet calming voice.

"Little girl are you okay?"

I raise my head to see a man. He had a concerned look on his face. Tears filling my eye once more.

"Hey don't cry."

He pushes my hair behind my ear and gives a comforting smile. He sits down beside me.

"If you don't mind me asking. What's wrong?"

I sit in his lap and bury my face into his chest.

"M-mommy and d-daddy are gone. T-the f-fire."

He pats my back. People start to give discussed looks towards use making me even more uncomfortable. He picks me up and starts to walk. I give him a questionable look, he just gives me a smile. I lay my back down on his chest. I couldn't cry anymore. But my heart still ached. Like my heart had been ripped out and then set on fire. A peace of my world fell apart. For some reason I was different from other kids my age. Well that's what my mom used to tell me.

We get to a house that was old, but beautiful. He sets me down by the door. He grabs his keys and unlocks the door. He picks me back up and proceeds to walk inside. I was still upset about everything so I didn't care what he was doing. He sets me down on the couch.

"I'll be right back. Feel free to look around."

He gives a smile and walks away. I'm left all alone in a place I'm not used to. I look around and his house was very pretty. I look over at a shelf and she a picture of a women and two kids. I get off the couch and limp over to the picture. I pick it up ever so slightly carefully looking at the picture. The women was beautiful, she had blonde hair and brown eyes. The two kids were twins. They had brown hair and green eyes. I didn't even realize that the man had walked back in. I heard him chuckle and I quickly look over. I set the picture back on the shelf and limp back to the couch.

"I see you we're looking at my pictures. That woman was my wife and those are my kids."

I give a fake smile and tuck my hair behind my ear.

"What's your name?" He asked softly.

I look away from him and put my hands in my lap.

"(Y/N) (L/N)"

He gives a smile and hands me fresh clean clothes.

"I'm Henry. Here put these on. These was my kids before they was murdered."

He looked sad at what he had to say. He was just like me. Had no family, left all alone, and probably doesn't have any friends. I grab the clothes and limp over to the bathroom. When I close the door I just burst into tears. I slide down the door and hug my legs. Why me? I'm only five. I'm not even sure I should trust that man. But what else am I gonna do? I wipe the tears away and grab the clothes. I quickly change and leave the bathroom. When I walked out the smell of food hit me. I was starving since I hadn't ate all day. I limp into the kitchen and see him cooking. He looks over at me and smiles.

"You look good in those clothes. Hey? Are you hungry?"

I nod my head and he sits me down at the table. He sets the plate of food down on the table. You stare in awe. It was your favorite food. You smile at him and dig in. He pats me head before eating his. We ate in silence. He would ask for the salt but other than that nothing else was said. We got done eating and we just sat there in silence. I'd never liked talking, but things needed to be said.

"Thank you for the food... Ummm do you think I could stay here? I have no w-where else to go..."

He looks over surprised I talked. He stands from his chair and picks me up from mine. He walks into the hallway and stops at a pink door. He opens it reviling a beautiful room. It had bright pink walls and dark blue bed sheets. And oh my! Toys everywhere! My eyes sparkling he sets me on the bed.

"This is where you can sleep. This was one of my daughters rooms. I can see you like it!"

I give a smile and yawn. He gets a 'oh it's time for bed look' and picks me up. He places me under the covers and pats my head.

"Get some sleep (Y/N). We have a big day tomorrow."

I lay my head on the pillow. Eyes instantly getting heavy. A smile tugging at my lips. My mom and dad used to tuck me in at night and pat my head. So it felt like I was at home. I close my eyes.

"Good night mommy.... Good night daddy."

Henry smiles and shuts the door. I lay there listening to the wind outside the window. Everything was peaceful. I fall asleep like nothing had happened today.

Wheeeee! A chapter down!! It didn't take me long to come up with this! I had a lot of fun writing this! I will try to get more done! No! *points finger in air* I will write more! Anyway thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! Stay fluffy little bunnies! Peace out!

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