Friends and a villain

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(Y/N) P.O.V

~Dream land~
I was walking in a field filled with beautiful flowers. A big tree right in the middle. It was covered in red and orange flowers. The grass was soft against my toes. The wind blowing through my hair. It was peaceful and relaxing.

I look over and see a figure in the distance. I decide to get closer. Walking closer I see a man, he was wearing a purple outfit and he looked pure evil. The man looks at me and smiles evilly. The wind stopped blowing, the grass started to shrivel up and die, the flowers on the trees started falling. I started to run from the figure and the further I ran the closer he got. Tripping and falling, I turn over on my back and see the man staring right at me. He picks me up by my dress and I could feel his break on my neck. It made me shiver. He gets close to my ears and whispers.

"You will be mine... Remember this."

After saying this to me, he stabs me in the chest and laughs evilly. I fall to the ground, blood soaking my pure white dress. Tears rolling down my cheeks. I whisper my last words.

"Why me? Haven't i suffered enough?"

~Dream End~

I wake up covered in sweat and tears. I hold a pillow close to my face and cry into it. I guess shadow heard me because he comes rushing into the tent I was in.

"What's wrong (Y/N)?!"

He holds me close, stroking my hair. I grab onto him and bury my face into his chest.

"Did you have a nightmare?"

I grip his clothes even tighter and cry softly into his chest.

"Shhh.... It's okay. It's not real. You don't have to cry."

I look up at him and give a weak smile. I wipe my tears away and look around.

"Where am I?"

Shadow stands up and grabs my hand causing me to blush. We walk outside and there's a fire with four people sitting around it. He waves at the people.

"(Y/N) meet my friends!" He gives a adorable smile.

Two stand up and rush over to me.

"You must be (Y/N)! Nice to meet you! I'm Red."
"I'm Green! Nice to meet you!" I give a smile.
"Hi! Nice to meet you two!"

I look over to see two others at the fire. One was reading a book, the other one was sharpening his sword. Shadow walks over to the other two and grabs there ears.

"Ow ow! What are you doing?!" The purple one whined.
"Hey let go! Stop touching me!" The blue one sounded angry.

Shadow walks over to me with the other two in hand. He stops and let's go. He points at me and gives them 'say hi or I'll kill you face'. They both walk over to me and the purple one grabs my hand and kisses it.

"Sorry for my rudeness... I'm purple but they call me Vio. Pleasure to meet you." I blush slightly at his response.
"Hey! She's mine!" Shadow hisses.

I look over at the blue one and smile.

"Hi I'm (Y/N). Nice to meet you!"

He kinda just looked at me and started to walk away. I stand there and just look over at shadow and then the other three.

"What's his problem? Did i say something?"

Red shakes his head.

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