Special Chibi Chapter

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This doesn't effect the story plot! It's just for fun! Enjoy!
(Y/n)'s P.O.V

It was late in the morning and I'm sleeping soundly, until I hear a high pitched scream. I sit up quickly and end up falling off the bed. A few seconds later, four more high pitches scream ring through the castle. My bedroom door slams open, reviling a chibi Shadow.


He was so cute! I push myself off the floor and run over to Shadow.

"I don't know, but I love it! Your so cute!"

I pick him up off the ground and swing him back and forth. He had the most blank expression I've ever seen. I giggle at him and put him on my hip like a baby. I walk into the hallway to see four more chibi people. I screech in happiness and pick all of them up. I had all five chibi people in my arms. They all didn't seem amused.

"Aww, come on. You all are so cute! Be happy!"

They all scoff and cross their cute chibi arms. I sigh happily and put them all down.

"(Y/N), this is not cute at all." Blue says.
"I donno, I kinda like it!" Red squeals.

All the guys look him and push him over. Red hits the ground and starts to cry. I gasp and pick him up. I carefully cradle him in my arms and turn on my heels to walk away. All the guys try to run after me, but their legs were to short. I happily walk downstairs with red and out the door to the garden. Red looks up with his adorable blue eyes and kisses my cheek.

"Thanks for being nice to me, (Y/N)."

My eyes sparkle with cuteness. I smile and kiss his cheek. He blushes Crimson red and sighs in happiness. I walk over to the fountain in the middle of the garden, and set Red down. It was a beautiful sunny day and I wanted to spend the whole day with red, but then again, I really miss Shadow and the other guys. Red runs around picking up flowers and laughing in happiness.

"I wonder how the guys are doing?"
Shadow's P.O.V

"Great! Now we're stuck up here!" Green yells.

I scoot over carefully and look down the flight of stairs. There were so many. I gulp and scoot back over to the guys. Vio was freaking out, Vio never freaks out!

"Who's going down there first?" I ask.

We all slowly look to Blue and sweat drop while shrugging our shoulders. Blue backs up and hits the wall.

"I'm not going first! I'll probably die!"
"But we aren't!" Vio yells.

I walk over to Blue, pick him up, and throw him down the stairs.

"You son of a-"

Blue gets cut off by hitting a stair. Me, Vio and Green watch carefully as he falls down the stairs. Blue hits the ground with a loud 'thump'. Green cringes and lets out a small 'ooooo'. We see Blue stand up all wobbly and stare at us with hate.

"I'm fine! I still hate all of you though!" He shouts.

I chuckle and lean over the edge of the stairs. Green smiles evilly and pushes me down the stairs. Just to my luck, I seemed to hit every stair. When I get to the bottom, I look up and flip off Green. He only starts to laugh, only to be pushed off by Vio.

"Vio you a-"

Green hits his head and passes out. His lifeless body falls down the stairs. Vio gasps and jumps down each stair to get to us. Green lands in Blue's arms and hands, a cut on his forehead. Vio I felt horrible. I could tell. We needed to get him to (Y/n)!

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