There's always trouble

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Cockadootal-Get cho butt up!"

Me and Shadow was arguing. I wasn't planning to get out of bed today, but Shadow had different idea. My body was wrapped in blankets and all you could see was my face. He had his arms crossed and kept tapping his foot against the ground. I shuffle deep into the blankets I'm wrapped up in. I'm actually in my period and having terrible cramps. But am I gonna tell Shadow that? OH HECK NAW!

"What will it take to get you outta this bed?"

I poke my head out and stare at him before deciding I didn't want to walk. It hurts to walk when you have cramps!

"I wanna be carried around everywhere! You can't say no!"
"No buts! If you wanna get me outta this bed, carry me!"

He groans and rips off the blankets covering my body. I hold out my arms with a blank expression. He picks me up bridal style and walks out of my room. As we're going down the stairs, I lift up my hand and shout,


He rolls his eyes and walks into the kitchen. He sits me down on the counter and look up at me.

"What do you want for breakfast, ma' lady?"
"Bacon, bacon, annnnnnd.... BACON!"

He stands there staring at me. He looks me up and down. (not like that!)

"Are you on... Ya know?"
"Bacon. Now."

He nods quickly. I sit there on the counter, completely embarrassed about him guessing it. Maybe I should play a joke on him? Early April fools day? Sounds like a plan.

"Hey Shadow?"

He look over his shoulder at me. I was trying my hardest not to smile or laugh.

"There's something I have to tell you..."

He walks up to me and sits down. I look at the ground to try and hide my smiling expression.

"What is it, (Y/n)?"
"I'm pregnant."

His eyes widen and his jaw drops. I was holding back so much laughter, I started to turn red and cry. He grabs handfuls of his hair and starts to freak out. He stands up on the counter and points down on me.

"I don't remember doing anything like that last night! Did you drug me or something?! Are you a wizard of some sort!?"
"N-no! I-I had a boyfriend in my other h-home!"

I was trying so hard not to start laughing. He jumps off the counter and runs over to the front door. I painfully walk after him.

"W-where are you going?!"
"To kill that guy!"

I start to laugh and Shadow slowly starts to back away. I was laughing so hard my eyes was watering.

"I-I'm just kidding, Shadow!"

I wipe away my tears and limp over to the confused boy. I cup his cheeks and press my forehead to his.

"I'm not actually pregnant. You're so easy to trick."
"You suck, (Y/n)."

I giggle and press my lips to his. He stiffens at the sudden touch. When I'm on my period, I tend to get a little lovey dovey. Maybe... A little to lovey dovey. Way different from other girls who just wanna rip people's heads off.  He hesitantly wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me back softly. We were still standing by the front door. Is that I weird place to kiss? Probably. Just then, the door opens.

"Oh look what we have here! Shadow finally got a girlfriend!~"

We instantly separate and look the other way blushing. All the boys were standing there. Red, Green, Blue, Vio. Shadow groans and walks away.

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