Part 1 - Are we in a nightmare?

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Shadow's P.O.V

I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in a dark room. One I've never been in. The wall paper was peeling from the moulding wood walls. It smelled like blood and death in the room. There was a ripped up bed in the corner of the room and a rusty door. There were no windows and no sunlight. No light at all. I fix my hat and quietly make my way to the rusty door. The floor boards creaked under my weight. To be honest, I was confused out of my mind. I pull open the rusty door and peek out to see two really long hall ways with tons of rooms and doors. I carefully step out and scratch my head. I hear a little girl giggle. Her laugh bounced off the walls and into my highly sensitive ears. I look around but see no one there. I gulp and start to walk down one of the halls ways. From each room a different creepy noise could be heard. It was like being stuck in a creepy insane asylum. I would flinch at every noise. I was shaking with fear and confusion.

"How did I end up here?" I ask out loud.

I take a deep breath and close my eyes. I stop completely and hold my arms up to my chest.

"It's not real. It's not real. It's not real."

I open my eyes to see everything exactly like it was. I like out a disappointing sigh and continue my way. The sounds only continued to get louder and more aggressive. Ya know, for being a shadow and an evil guy, I'm actually quiet scared. I've never been in this kinda situation. I mean, I've been trapped in a cell while being chained to a wall and beat to death, but nothing like this.

As I'm deep thought, one of the rusty steel doors slam open and something rams into me. I hit the ground and something heavy lays on top of me.

Green's P.O.V


I shoot up from a bed dripping in sweat. I rub my eyes and sigh. I look up and see I'm in an unfamiliar room. It smelled like death. I hope off the bed and the floor boards make a loud crack. I cringe and close my eyes tightly. Nothing happens so I slowly open my eyes. I continue to walk around the room. I stumble upon a rusty steel door. I open it slowly and step out. I was so confused at this point. I hear a loud growl from the long hall way and I gulp. Two shining red eyes peek from the dark hall.

"Oh heck naw, I'm not dying today!" I whisper.

I start to run down one of the other hall ways and try not to make a lot of noise. As I continue to run, I hear something running behind me.

Red's P.O.V

I'm laying on something soft. But the room feels dark and erie. It smells like something died or blood had been painted over the walls. My eyes were still closed. I was to scared to open them, to be honest. I feel something wet drip onto my cheek. It was warm. I gulp and open one eye to see the ceiling dripping blood. I scream and jump off the bed. I grab hand fulls of my hair and stare at the ceiling in terror. I quickly start to search for a door or a window, just somewhere I could get out! I find a rusty door and quickly swing it open. I run out and end up running into something else. I hear it grunt and hit the ground. I fall over the top of it.

Vio's P.O.V

So I woke up to a creepy room. Checked it out and crap. I found a door that me and blue can escape through. Only problem is... He won't wake up. I've been hitting him with a pillow but not yelling. That'd probably bring some unwanted visitors our way. I sigh and put my hand on my chin. What would wake him up? I grin evilly and get close to Blue's ear.

"There's a spider on your leg..."

He jolts awake and starts to scream and thrash around.

"Get it off! Get it off!"

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