A castle... A CASTLE?!

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(Y/N) P.O.V
I wake up back in tent I was in earlier. I try to sit up but something was keeping me from doing so. I look down and see a sleeping Shadow. I blush a dark shade of red. I try to peel his arms off me but it wasn't working. Giving up, I lay back down and start to braid his hair. His hair was soft and he smelled like the ocean. Every time I'm with him my heart flutters in happiness. I haven't even known him for three days! But I still feel like I've known him for forever!

As I was braiding his hair he starts to wake up. His eyes slowly starts to open and he gives me a smile.

"Good morning (Y/N)."
"Good morning."

He unwraps his arms from my waist and stretches. He puts a pillow over his head and starts to mumble something.

"What was that Shadow?" I could hear his muffled voice from beneath the pillow.

I sit up and stretch. I stand and make my way out of the tent. I see all the guys sitting by a fire and I walk over to them.

"Morning guys!"
"Morning!" They all yelled in unison. Well all except Blue.

I walk over to Blue and tap his head. He gives me a death glare and I just stand there. I walk over to Red and sit beside him. I cock my head to the side and stare at Blue.

"Blue why are you so grumpy?"

He snaps his head towards me.

"What?! I'm not grumpy!"
"Yes you are! The first time I met you you acted like a butthole!"

All the guys look towards me and Blue. The guys get wide eyes and Red grabs my arm.

"(Y/N) please don't anger him... Things aren't pretty when he's mad."

I walk over to Blue and get in his face.

"Look, I don't like fighting! I think we got on the wrong foot! So can we please be friends?" I give a smile.
"Hah! Like I would be friends with a girl! All they do is cry and need saving!"

About that time Shadow comes crawling out of the tent. He walks over to Green and asks what's going on.

"Green what's going on?"
"(Y/N) asked why Blue was being grumpy. He got angry and started to shout. She tried to make friends with him but I think he just made her mad with his comeback."

My face red with anger. I grab his wrist and grab his chin forcing him to look at me.

"Maybe Other girls in this land needs constant saving! But I'm not a regular girl, and I don't think you should judge a girl from the outside! Yes, girls cry! But everyone cry's every now and then! So don't you go hating on girls! One day that tough guy act will get you in serious trouble!"

He gets angry at my response and grabs his arm back from me. He slaps me in the face. I hold my cheek and stare at him in shock. He has a an angry look on his face. He soon realizes what he had did. He tries to say sorry but I back away from him. Shadow trying to rip Blue's face off. Red and Green had to hold him back. I touch Shadows shoulder and he stops moving. He looks up at me.

"Don't... It will only make it worse."

I look over at Blue and hold my cheek. Tears rolling down my cheeks. It's not because it hurt! Its because he actually did it. Vio walks over to Blue and slaps him with his book. Everyone chuckles except me and Blue. I look over at Shadow and he grabs my hand.

"(Y/N) come in the tent with me. I have to ask you something." He gives a death glare at Blue and starts to walk to the tent. We crawl inside and I sit.

"What cha need to tell me Shadow?"

He suddenly hugs me and buries his face in my neck. I was shocked but quickly hugged back. He lifts his face to mine and frowns. He touches my cheek and I jerk a little. His fingers were cold. But it made my slapped cheek feel better.

"I'm sorry you got slapped."
"It's not your fault. I made him angry. It's my fault."
"Well you don't have to take his attitude anymore!"
Yea! I own a castle! We're going to stay there!"

I stare at him in disbelief.

"Your kidding right?"
"Not kidding! I'm gonna take you there! Whenever your ready we can leave."
"A castle... A CASTLE?!"
"You seemed so shocked. Your so cute!"

He quickly realizes what he had said and covers his mouth. Both me and him blushing dark shades of red. I let out a giggle and hug him.

"Thanks for the compliment! Anyway let me do something then we can leave."

I crawl out the tent and walk over to Blue. He looks over at me and quickly stands up.

"L-look (Y-Y/N) I-I'm so-"

I quickly cut him off with a hug. He stiffens and was surprised at my actions.

"I forgive you. I made you mad. I'm sorry."

I let go and he had a slight dust of pink across his cheeks. I give a smile and run over to Shadow. We start to walk into the woods and we hear Red shout.

"Visit us (Y/N)! See you later!"

I look back at everyone and wave.

"Bye guys! See you later!" I shout back.

Me and Shadow continue to make our way to the woods. I have a feeling I'm going to regret this... I mean I'm excited that I'm going to a castle. But I have a feeling something or someone will be waiting for us.

You can probably tell who's going to be there! But I might have a plot twist... You never know! Anyway so thank you for reading! Stay fluffy little bunnies!

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