Part 2 - Are we in a nightmare?

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(This chapter has a lot of violence! If you don't like blood, I suggest you don't read. Also, may make you cry... Just saying.)

Shadow's P.O.V

I gasp and sit up quickly. Sweat dripped off my face and onto the road below me. I look around and see I'm in some kind of abandoned village of some sort. I remember '(Y/n)' saying it's a game of hide, seek, and kill. I know that the other guys are in here as well. I slowly stand up and hold my head. My balance wasn't very good so I end up falling back over. I groan and push myself back off the ground. Just then, a giggle echoes through the village. But not long after, a ear curdling scream rings through the village. That scream sounded familiar to.

Without hesitation, I start running as fast as I can to the scream. The closer I got, the more loud the giggles were. I know I'm supposed to be hiding, but I need to help who ever that is. I soon reach a dead-end and see splatters of blood on the wall. I cover my mouth and back away. I hear a low chuckle come from behind me. I spin around and come face-to-face with the cold hearted killer. She had the evilest look on her face. Blood dripped down her cheek and onto her pretty dress.

"Well, I knew I'd run into you sooner or later."

I clinch my teeth together and back away from her. See grins and twirls around the knife in her hand.

"So... How do you want your death? Long and slow? Maybe just slit your throat and get it over with? How about I slit your wrists and watch you bleed out like I did to your little friend. I believe his name was...... Red?"

My eyes widen in shock. She laughs insanely and twirls around her dress.

"Red... Looks really flattering in red."

I could feel tears prickle at my eyes.

"Let me ask you something,"

She stops laughing and looks me dead in the eyes.

"What happens if I kill you during the middle of the game?" I seethe.
"You win the game of course. But, that's never happened."
"Well it's about to!"

I lunge for her. She gasps in shock as I tackle her to the ground. Her bloody knife lands on the ground a little ways behind us. My nails become long and sharp. I lift up my hand and cut her cheek. She whimpers in pain but quickly throws me off of her. She starts to crawl back to her knife but I quickly stand up and grab her leg. She looks back at me with eyes full of hate. I drag her away from the knife. She quickly reaches back for my ankle and trips me. I hit the ground and groan in pain. She stands up in a hurry and runs to her knife. I get up and run after her. I grab her wrist and slam her down to the ground. She let out a yell of pain as I twist her arm. The cracking of bones fills the air. I smile evilly and grab a handful of her silky (h/c) hair. She clenches her jaw in pain.

"Y-your pretty good!"

I smile and chuckle slightly. She grins and reaches in her pocket.

"But not good enough."

She pulls out another knife and swipes it at me. I jump back and glare at her. She stands up and twists her arm back into place. She tilts her head to the side and smiles. She runs at me and rams into me. I fall backwards and hit the ground. She laughs evilly and pounces on top of me.

"Your cool. But sadly I can't let you live."

She lifts the knife into the air and blows a kiss to me. I close my eyes and wait for the pain, but nothing ever happens. I open my eyes to see her sitting there with a surprised look on her face. Blood pours from her mouth as she looks down to the knife sticking out of her chest. I wiggle out from beneath her and stand up. I look behind her to see Red standing there with tears running down his face. His wrists were cut and bloody. He looked dead. He stumbles over clutching his wrists. I run over and catch him. I rip some of my clothes and tie it around his bleeding wrists. He smiles at me before passing out from blood-loss. I carefully set him down on the ground and look over to see (Y/n) still sitting there. She had the most terrified look on her face. I frown at seeing her like this. I know she isn't really (Y/n), but it still hurts my heart to see her look-alike in pain. I walk over to her back and rip out the knife. She lets out a yell of pain and hits the ground. She looks up at me, still clutching her chest.

"H-how d-did this h-happen?" She chokes out.

I sit down beside her dying body and pick up her head and gently place it in my lap. She gives me a hurt confused look.

"W-why are you b-being so n-nice to me?"

I move the hair from her face and place my forehead on hers.

"Because no one should die alone. Even if you are a killer, I know you never wanted to be. Your not evil. Just used. I'm sorry for this, but my friends need to get back to the real world. I need to save my girlfriend from Vaati. If I don't, something bad might happen. I'm sorry this has happened, but your going to a better place."

She stares at me in shock and breaks down crying. She wraps her dying arms around me and cries into my chest. I wrap my arms around her and pat her back.

"I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She kept repeating.
"It's okay. You were forced."

She looks into my eyes and smiles.

"T-thank you for realizing the good in m-me. I-I hope you find (Y/n) and live happily. B-but promise me one t-thing,"

She places her bloody hand on my cheek and squeezes my hand with her other one.

"D-don't you dare die. Y-you m-make it out of the miserable nightmare. D-don't lose hope."

I sadly smile and let my tears drop onto her already tear stained cheek. She smiles weakly and takes one last breath before going limp. One single tear slides down her lifeless cheek and hits the ground. I lower my head and let my last few tears fall. I wipe my face and lay her body down on the ground. I stand up and stare at her body before hearing my name being called from behind me. I look behind me and see Green, Vio, and Blue. They all had confused looks on their faces. Green looks down and see (Y/n)'s dead body.

"W-what happened?" His voice breaks.

I look down in shame. My lip quivers at the memories flashing through my mind.

"We killed her." I say flatly.
"We?" They question.

I look over to Red and point. Blue gasps and runs over to his side. I look up at the guys as my vision goes blurry.

"Guys in your vision blurry to?"
"Yea it is."

A bright light consumes us. We all feel weak and collapse to the ground. The last thing we all see before passing out is (Y/n) waving happily with tears running down her cheeks.

"Thank you, Shadow."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2015 ⏰

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