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At last it was the day of his audition.


Nats: Promise me me you'll be my date on prom.

Niall: Of course I will be there.

Nats: Now go, show the world that you have an amazing voice, Horan.

He chuckled, hugged me and went.


Niall called me up.

Nats: Hello? Niall?

Niall: hey...

Nats: So, how was it?

Niall: Yeah, about that...

I was about to cry.. when

Niall: Iw ent through!

Nats: Oh my god! Don't ever do that to me again!!! I am so happpy for you... 

After a while he hung up. I was HAppy for him. He got through. Iwas so proud of my best friend. But it suddenly dawned on me that he might not come on the day of prom night...


I was all ready to go. I wore a beautiful red gown. It was a sleeveless v-neck gown and had a deep back. I curled up my hair and waited for Niall to come. I waited for him for hours. I was so tired and irritated that i was about to dose off when he walked into my bedroom. 

"nats, you look amazing", he said. I just smiled. I was annoyed at him, but then i thought, atleast he showed up.

We reached the place. Everyone was already dancing. I was just sitting when Niall got up and said "Lets dance". I looked at him like he was mad or something and said "WHAT? ARE YOU OUTTA YOU'RE MIND? I don't Ball Dance." "Get up", he said pulling me up. Then we danced. It nwas actually fun. I felt nice. I felt close to him again.


It was raining heavily. "Hey, lets go out in the rain", Niall said. "I don't want to", I whined like a baby. "Don't be such a cry baby! I know you love rain, Murphy", he said. Oh Shit! He never calls me by my surname this only happens when he doesn't like it. "But i don't feel like", i replied. I knew i was bringing trouble to myself. "You know you WILL have to", he said. His voice changed a litille more like an order. I knew if  I would say any thing else he would get angry. And you sure as hell don't want to see him angry ar pissed. So, i gave in and went outside.

We were vshouting at the top of our lungs and dancing and singing. Those moments were the most precious moments of my life.


hey guys, hope you like it. I know i just have few readers but i don't care i will update it if you like it.

Please comment and vote if you like it :) 

Love you.xx

Moments- A Niall Horan Fan-fictionWhere stories live. Discover now