CHAPTER- 17 (Isn't she lovely)

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Hey guys this is a leap chapter there will be two leaps one is for 7 months the other one is a 2 years. A picture of Norah Eleanor Horan is on the side. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


*7 months later*

I was 8 months pregnant now. I am going back to London to live with my father again. I want deliver my baby in London. I want someone to be there for me so my dad is the only person. I kept contact with Harry and Eleanor they will be there too. I have been talking to them more now. They knew all along that I was shifting to Paris. Dad told them because they are my only best friends. 


I reached London. I am really tired I just wanna go home and sleep. "How are you, Baby Girl?", my dad asked. "I am fine daddy. Just your baby girl is about to deliver a child soon", I replied. 

"Hey, Let me show you her room. I painted it blue and pink so it won't be a problem if its a boy or a girl", he said.

I went inside the room. It was wonderful. There was a crib in the middle of the room and there were drawers for clothes. It was everything I would have wanted for my baby.

All of a sudden I started to have pain. Severe cramps. "Dad. Daddy! My water just broke!", I shouted. 

My father tok everything very calmly. He just got me to sit in the car and said soothing words to me.

"Baby you'll be fine... It's okay, they will reduce", he said. Somehow I could tell he was lying at the word reduce. I felt it would just be the opposite. 

We reached the hospital. Harry and Eleanor were there. Dad must've called them.

"Everything will be fine, Lia. You and your child will make it through.", my dad said reassuringly.


"Conractulations, it's a baby girl", the doctor smiled. "Have thought of a name", All three of them said in unison. "Yes, her name will be Norah meaning little honourable one . Norah Eleanor Horan", I paused and continued. "I know I am not married to him but I want my daughter to have his surname. Its the right thing for her.", I completed. 

"Oh my god! Her middle name is my name. Thankyou so much Lia. It means so much to me!", she said. 

"Babe, you've always been there for me and I know you will always be there for me. It was only right for her to have your name as her middle name", I replied. 

"Lets go home now, shall we?" I said.

*2 years later*

"Mommy! Mommy! I wanna go to the park", Norah said coming into my bed.

"Neave, its 7 in the morning. Don't you sleep?", I said picking my daughter up to come and sit with me. Neave thats what I called my daughter as a nickname meaning brightness.

"No mommy. Its evenin. I wanna gooo!! Pwease!" she said. I couldn't resist it anymore I got up and said.

"Okay, mommy needs to get ready can Neave wait?" I said.

"Yesh mommy. I can wait.", she said.


We reached the park. I saw my daughter playing. She resmbled Niall so much that I couldn't even try to forget about him. Whenever I tried my daughter's image came to my mind. Her eyes were just like Niall's, blue.

"Mommy, can you get me ice-cream?" she looked at me.

"Yes, Neave wait here for mommy. Okay?" I said and stood up to get ice-cream.


Niall's P.O.V

It has been three years since I met Natalie last. My child would be 2 years old already. I missed 2 years of her life.

I heard someone crying I turned around to see a girl crying. I went to her and asked "Where's your mom?", I asked her.

"I don' know. I lost the way back to her", she said. "I picked her up in my arms and said, "Lets help you find your mommy. By the way what's your name?"

"Norah, 'n' was yours?", she asked. "Niall", I replied.


"There's my mommy!", Norah said. I put her down. I waited till she reached her mother. She hugged her mothers leg which mad her turn. She was crying. 

"Neave, don't ever do that to mommy again. Don't you ever leave me!", she said. Her voice was so familiar. Then I realised why. It was Natalie. What was she doing here? I ran towards her and said "Natalie?"

She turned and Norah said, "Mommy, he brought me back to you". Natalie was angry. "You dare come close to my daughter. You're outta the picture. Stay away from me and my daughter, you ass.", she said and left me there.

I knew where she was going so I followed her.

*Natalie's P.O.V*

I had lost my temper. I was angry. Thats when my daughter said "Where's daddy?". Oh god! Not this question again. I had denied to answer it so many times before I couldn't do this anymore. I put my daughter in the car and went to my seat and replied to her question "You just met him, Neave. He is your father. Niall James Horan. Thats why your name is Norah Eleanor Horan."


hope you liked this chapter. I will upload the next one tomorrow. It's late thats why I cant upload it today. 

Love you 

Shuchi. xx

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