Chapter 15.

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Many times at school had I been told to, "Go jump off a cliff!". But actually, it was rather... Well, fun. The wind pulling my hair back so it waved and twisted like a flag on a windy day, the way my stomach drops out underneath me, flying without wings. Or falling with broken ones. Whatever you wanna call it. Anyways, I'm glad they advised me to do this. And I hope they never get to.

"Prepare to get wet!" I heard Jem shout, an I looked down to see at the bottom of our fall was a lake. Like a camera lens, the image zoomed in rather quickly, until I could feel the water completely absorb around me, and although it was ice cold, it set fire to my skin.

I did the best I could to swim to the surface with the handcuffs on. When I surfaced, only Kaya's head had popped out of the water. Droplets of water tipped her eyelashes, and her hair flattened to her neck, three shades darker than its original color. She met my eyes.

"Where's-," I began, but I was interrupted by Torrance and Jem surfacing, Jem holding Freya above water. Freya shook violently.

Without speaking we swam to the rocky shore. "Cold!" Was all Freya could repeat. When I looked up, all the officers had retreated from the edge of the cliff.

Kaya wrapped her wet jacket around Freya, although I'm sure it won't help. Suddenly, Torrance muttered something indecipherable, and spoke a little louder, "I'm hit." Fear flooded my entire body like a title wave, destroying every other thought on my mind, and I turned to him. Torrance had a dark crimson circle piercing his side. Pure red trained down to his waist.

"W-w-what?" Freya shivered. Torrance smiled sarcastically. "Oh, it's nothing, Freya. I'm just bleeding out is all." Kaya shot him a, 'This is serious look.' "Torrance!" She hissed. His smile turned apologetic.

"What do we do?" Jem asked.

Torrance sighed. "Find me a sterile cloth, some tweezers, and get the kid away. This is gonna be messy."

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