Chapter-4 Flying to New York

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       I don't know where I was, but it seemed like a hallway. I heard voices. Voices of people chatting and laughing and complaining. I started to follow down the hallway and as I went further and further the crowd only got larger and larger. People were giving me the 'why-are-you-here' look and judging my every step. Whispering into each other's ears as I passed them. And then suddenly someone just went out of their way to make me more uncomfortable, if that was possible, by pushing me but luckily a strong pair of hands got me. I could not look at his face but he had really comforting arms. I looked up at him and suddenly he disappeared. Everything around me was gone! I was alone.
        Whoops! I woke up all sweaty! I've already started having nightmares about high school. What?! I got off my bed and got ready for the day. I don't think there is anything special coming up today so I just put on a blue crop top and shorts. I got downstairs and asked the butler to make up a quick sandwich for me. Meanwhile I thought I should spend some time with mom. I will be gone tomorrow and wouldn't be able to see her in a while. I knocked on her door and went in. She looked busy with something.

"What is that mom?" I asked her, eying the book in her hand.

"I was just looking at your childhood pictures. Come have a look." She said with tears brimming at the corner of her eyes.

We went through the picture album, talked about things and I had my sandwich whilst we laughed and talked about the memories connected to the pictures. Time flew so fast I didn't realize it was two in the afternoon already!

"Are you done with your packing?"

"No, you can say I haven't even begun! I have zero motivation to do that."

"So then how about you have your lunch and then we do it together?"

I smiled at the idea and like we planned, we went upstairs after lunch and packed my bags. I was finally done with it and it didn't surprise me that it was evening by the time we were done. Myself and mom went for a stroll in the evening.

"Ally, I know you are smart enough but don't let some little boy destroy the heart of my brave girl. Take care, okay?"

"I will. And its only like eight months, I can live through that." I mean I have to right?

"Yeah you can. I am just... its just that we've never been away from each other for too long and this is gonna be the first time so I am just worried."

"Mom I understand", I said rubbing her back, "I'll be good" I smiled controlling my tears.

"Okay let's head home, shall we?". Mom said rubbing her palms together. "Your dad must be on his way home already." She said looking at her wrist watch.

After dinner:-

I had my shower, changed into my pyjamas and was about to put in my headphones when I heard a knock on the door.

"Yeah?" I answered.

Dad came in. He was wearing his turtle neck sweater and navy blue sports pants. I could already feel the tears forming in my eyes.

"So? All set?" He asked looking around to avoid eye contact.

"Yes." I answered in a low voice. "I'll miss you Dad"

"I'll miss you too Ally. But I don't think Uncle Alex will make you miss me at all."

Oh yes did I mention that I was going to stay at The Hailey Mansion. Uncle Alex and Aunt Allison never had any children of their own. They had always loved me as their own child. I had no problem staying with them.

"I can't argue on that" I said grinning.

"We'll keep visiting you whenever we can. Be a good girl, Ally. Make us proud."

"I will"

"Alright. Get some sleep. It's a long flight tomorrow. You are going to have a whole lot of jet lag to deal with."

I nodded my head with pursed lips.

"Good night Ally."

"Good night dad" I said trying to control the sobs which were choking me. Once he was out I hopped onto my bed and clung on my bedsheets covering it with my tears. I am gonna miss this pretty bed. I am gonna miss everything. Hugging the covers, I slept peacefully for the last night as I wasn't gonna have anymore here in a while.

I woke up to the sounds of people going in and out of my room. I sat up and saw the house keepers taking my bags and the other luggage which I had kept ready out of my room. I saw my mom instructing them to hurry.

"Good morning mom." I said rubbing my eyes.

"Ah, morning sweetie. I was thinking that if you don't wake up for the next few minutes as well, I'd have to ruin your last morning here." She said with sadness written all over her face.

"Oh come on honey get up. Your flight is hardly 3 hours away." She said.

I rushed through brushing my teeth, having a shower and slipping on my denim shorts and a blue sweater with no makeup. Perfect. I looked at my room for one last time and took in as much as I could. Heading downstairs I saw breakfast placed on the table and dad talking over the phone. Wow! I never remember him taking a day off; not even on my birthday.

Filling my mouth with the scrambled eggs and sandwich and gulping down the orange juice quickly, I started for my journey to New York. I turned around, looked at my house for one last time and then with a heavy heart, I got in the car.

"Ready?" Dad asked buckling himself.

"I guess." I said unsure if I really was.

It was a good  half an hour journey to the airport. After reaching there I took out my tickets from my bag and hugged my parents really tightly.

"We'll be there to see you soon sweetie. Take care. We love you."

They said. I turned my back to them and started in. I couldn't face them. I'd lose all the tears I was holding. I collected my boarding pass and waited for the plane to arrive. Once it landed I got on and it was quite easy to locate my seat. Too bad I didn't have the window one. I put my seat belt on and waited for the take off. Taking a deep breath I mentally prepared myself for whatever is waiting for me.

Here I come, New York.
Author- Okay that was pretty okay-ish. But be ready Ally. Here comes your high school!

Ally- Whatever.

Author- Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. So don't forget to vote and comment!

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