Chapter 9 - Confused Candice... or me?

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Oh my God! What do I answer. Jule just asked me out! Oh my God. Okay you got this, Ally. Take a deep breath. God dammit why am I behaving like he proposed me to marry him. The crowd around us got thinner and thinner and I still stood at my place.

I don't know what to reply. If I say yes, what if he starts getting the romantic nerves for me? If I say no will he avoid me? Oh God, why Jule?

"Hey?" Jule brought me out of my thoughts.

"Uh yeah I am sorry. I was, uh, just thinking you know that, uh, maybe uh if we could uh-"

"Hey hey Ally. Its fine if you wanna go with someone else or if you've already said yes to someone. Its totally fine. You don't have to worry about it."

"No no. Its not like that. My mind is just really occupied about the quiz. Can we talk later? Hope you don't mind."

"No, Ally. Its no rush. Take your time. It's totally fine. As far as that quiz is concerned, its sheer waste of time. No one really cares about that. But its your first one. You'll see. Why would I mind? Don't be ridiculous, Ally. I'm fine."

Great! I just made myself look like a stupid girl. What is wrong with me? I need to see Candice. ASAP.

"Let's head to our classes, shall we?"

He waited for me to lead. I had geography and luckily he was not with me in this one. Thank God I can at least think clearly. He left me outside my class and was about to go to his own when someone patted his back.

"Hey man! Where are you these days?" Right, I shared geography with Ross.

"I'll see you later." I said to Jule and he just smiled back.

I heard Ross making that oohh sound once I turned. My first day, I made a mistake sitting in the first rows. I was not gonna repeat it. I took over the last desk. Ross returned soon and took the desk next to me. He smiled at me, I smiled back and looked away. He smiled again, I smiled back, this time looking at the totally opposite direction. When I turned to him again he smiled.

"What is it Ross?"

"What? Nothing." Ross replied oh so innocently.

I narrowed my eyes at him and started reading the unread messages. Oh freak! I forgot to call mom yesterday. There were 6 messages from her. I apologized and read a good morning message from Ross.

"Oh hey morning!" I said chuckling.

"Wow! Thank you for making my morning all the more beautiful, lady!" He teased.

"The pleasure is all mine!"

We laughed over some more jokes when he asked me the thing I wished at least he would put off.

"Have you chosen your partner?"

Oh God let it not be that again.

"For what?" *Fingers crossed*

"The mid year ball, of course! What world do you live in?" Why? Why can't my prayers be heard at least once? Maybe I need to do more spiritual awakening things. That's what its called right?

"Umm no. Not really. You?"

"No. Well I've been thinking of asking Candice." He stuttered. Aww that was cute.

"Go ahead! I am sure she'd say yes!"

"You think so?"

"I know so. I think you should hurry before she says yes to somebody else out of the thought that you are never gonna ask her."

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