Chapter 22 - "I'll be by your side, forever"

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Ball Part-2 is here! Oh my God! Nathan looks jaw-dropping in the picture above, doesn't he?

Jule looks at me as I fall in his arms, confusion written all over his face.I steady myself and quickly wipe the tears flowing out of my eyes. I cannot manage to look in his eyes again.

"Excuse me" I murmur and walk off leaving Jule confused.

I sit on the bench where I sat few hours earlier. How I wish I hadn't moved from there! I know I saw this coming and I know I shouldn't be hurt so much but the whole freaking episode that happened back there, its like I can never look at Nathan the same way again. I thought he was serious about me, about us and he didn't give a damn to what Angelina thought about how he took the relationship between them. But I was wrong. I had been wrong the whole time. I was an idiot to think that a boy like Nathan would ever take anything seriously in his life. I still sit on the bench, pathetically sobbing. If anyone told this, that Ally is sitting on the bench on the ball night over a boy, to my family or old friends they'd probably laugh their asses out. I pitied myself. How much I changed myself for one damn boy. I should've never fallen for him. But I guess I am too late to realize that. In spite of how hopeless I feel right now, how totally and completely a mess I am right now, every nerve of my body still aches for him. Every inch of my soul wishes for him to wrap his arms around me and assure me how he'll stay forever by my side.

I am so fallen for him. This is temporary, right? I hope it is.

Damn your face. Damn your smile. Damn your dimples. Damn you Nathan Hale.

I sob into my hands. Suddenly I feel someone sit beside me but I am too ashamed to look up. What'd they think about this side of me? Even I don't know what I think of this side of me. I've never faced it.

Whoever it is, takes me into a hug, and I can feel a cheek press against my hair.

"I'm sorry." I know who the voice belongs to. And I start crying even harder, wetting his tux with my tears.

"You don't have anything to be sorry for. You shouldn't be the one who should be sorry." I manage to say between my sobs.

"I know. But it hurts to see you cry Ally. And it kills me to feel so helpless. Why are you crying?"

I don't reply.

"At least let me see your face." He says.

"Go away, Jule." I cry holding on tightly to his shirt.

"You shouldn't be ashamed of people seeing you cry." His voice is almost a whisper.

"Why?" Because you're a stupid girl and it would entertain people!

"Because you're beautiful" I can hear the smile in his voice.

I pull back and look in his blue eyes. He wipes away my tears with his hands.

"Stop it Jule."

"Stop what?"

"Stop being so nice to me. I don't deserve it. I don't deserve your time, you feelings, your heart. I don't deserve you."

"You're right. You deserve someone much better than me."

I laugh.

"I don't think anyone out there could be this nice to me because I'm rude, I'm heartless and-"

"And you're the sweetest and kindest girl I've met. I fell for you the moment I saw your face. The innocence in your eyes took my breath away. Of course I had seen you earlier in some news flashes and things, but seeing you very much in person, it is the best thing that has ever happened to me. There can be no one in this whole wide world who'd manage to amaze me every time they flip their hair or laugh at the silliest things I say or trust me with their entire heart. I fell for you ages ago. To be precise on the 4th of June, when you first came to this school. I'm not going anywhere. At least I haven't till the 15th of September. I know I won't for the rest of my life. I'll be by your side, forever."

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